When I run code analysis on the following chunk of code I get this message:
Object 'stream' can be disposed more than once in method 'upload.Page_Load(object, EventArgs)'. To avoid generating a System.ObjectDisposedException you should not call Dispose more than one time on an object.
using(var stream = File.Open(newFilename, FileMode.CreateNew))
using(var reader = new BinaryReader(file.InputStream))
using(var writer = new BinaryWriter(stream))
var chunk = new byte[ChunkSize];
Int32 count;
while((count = reader.Read(chunk, 0, ChunkSize)) > 0)
writer.Write(chunk, 0, count);
I don't understand why it might be called twice, and how to fix it to eliminate the error. Any help?
To illustrate, let's edit your code
To avoid this, just create the writer directly
: to take into account what Eric Lippert is saying, there could indeed be a moment when the stream is only released by the finalizer if BinaryWriter throws an exception. According to the BinaryWriter code, that could occur in three casesAnyway, good point, hence the edit :)
Your writer will dispose your stream, always.
I struggled with this problem and found the example here to be very helpful. I'll post the code for a quick view:
Replace the outer using statement with a try/finally making sure to BOTH null the stream after using it in StreamWriter AND check to make sure it is not null in the finally before disposing.
Doing this cleared up my errors.
The BinaryReader/BinaryWriter will dispose the underlying stream for you when it disposes. You don't need to do it explicitly.
To fix it you can remove the using around the Stream itself.
A proper implementation of Dispose is explicitly required not to care if it's been called more than once on the same object. While multiple calls to Dispose are sometimes indicative of logic problems or code which could be better written, the only way I would improve the original posted code would be to convince Microsoft to add an option to BinaryReader and BinaryWriter instructing them not to dispose their passed-in stream (and then use that option). Otherwise, the code required to ensure the file gets closed even if the reader or writer throws in its constructor would be sufficiently ugly that simply letting the file get disposed more than once would seem cleaner.