My android app gets its data using REST API. I want to have client side caching implemented. Do we have any inbuilt classes for this?
if not, is these any code that i can reuse? I remember coming across such code sometime back. However I cant find it.
If nothing else works, i will write my own. following is basic structure
public class MyCacheManager {
static Map<String, Object> mycache;
public static Object getData(String cacheid) {
return mycache.get(cacheid);
public static void putData(String cacheid, Object obj, int time) {
mycache.put(cacheid, obj);
how do i enable time for cached objects? also - whats the best way to serialize? cache should be intact even if app is closed and reopened later (if time has not expired).
Thanks Ajay
Now awesome library Volley released on Google I/O 2013 which helps for improve over all problems of calling REST API:
Volley is a library,it is library called Volley from the Android dev team. that makes networking for Android apps easier and most importantly, faster. It manages the processing and caching of network requests and it saves developers valuable time from writing the same network call/cache code again and again. And one more benefit of having less code is less number of bugs and that’s all developers want and aim for.
Example for volley: technotalkative
First check the device is connected from the internet or not.
If device is connected from internet then get the data from API and cache it else get the data from cache.
Create the CacheInterceptor class to cache the network response and handle the errors
Now add the this interceptor in OkHttpClient while creating the service using Retrofit.
Cache interface
One of the best ways is to use Matthias Käppler's ignited librarys to make http requests that caches the responses in memory (weak reference) and on file. Its really configurable to do one or the other or both.
The library is located here : with examples located here :
Personally, I love this lib from when it was called Droidfu
Hope this helps you as much as it did me Ajay!