Is there any way to register for an event that fires when an executable of a particular filename starts? I know it's easy enough to get an event when a process exits, by getting the process handle and registering for the exited event. But how can you be notified when a process, that isn't already running, starts...without polling all the running processes?
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You could use the following:
You would then call either WatchForProcessStart and/or WatchForProcessEnd passing in your process name (eg "notepad.exe").
The ManagementEventWatcher object is returned from the two Watch* methods as it implements IDisposable and so you should call Dispose on these objects when you have finished with them to prevent issues.
You could also change the polling value in the queries if you need the event to be raised more quickly after the process has started. To do this change the line "WITHIN 10" to be WITHIN something less than 10.
Here is code.
Notice that you have to start Visual Studio like Administrator in order to execute this code.
WMI can create events when processes are created. You could then filter these events.