I have a user form. If the user types in a string with '
or "
as part of it I have no problem. The form is submitted and saved correctly to the database. My problem is when I reload the page (all entries can be modified and are loaded into a list in the JSP before being displayed). On loading the page I get an error saying:
missing ) after argument list 'Caroline's message', \n
What do I need to do to escape this string for displaying it on the frontend?
Here is the code I am using on the frontend to read in the data and store it in a JavaScript object. I am not fully sure where I need to escape. The field causing the problem is c.getComName:
communications[<%=i%>][1] = new CommObject('<%=c.getComId()%>', '<%=c.getComName()%>');
communications[0][1] = new CommObject('101', 'Caroline's Message');
You could use JSP core tags:
That's strange.
What about:
If that works, you just have to figure out how to add the \".