Storyboard had great feature to design tables of static cells. Until XCode 5 is was possible to compose long list of cells and scroll the table to edit them.
With XCode 5 the scrolling simple stopped working - instead of scrolling the table, now it scrolls entire the storyboard.
Did anyone solved this problem? I'm completely stuck with my long tables of static cells...
Here are the steps that I have found to work:
The scroll bars on the side of the Storyboard View only seem to move the storyboard around.
It also only seems to work if the mouse pointer is hovering over the TableViewController.
Using Xcode 5.0.2 (5A3005)
I just tried it in my XCode 5. After selecting one of the other not covered table cells I am able to scroll down to the other hidden table cells. Does this work for you too?
Similar post, maybe this helps you too:
Can't scroll to the bottom of a long Static TableViewController in XCode 5 Interface Builder to edit the cells below the fold
In the storyboard view uncheck Under Top Bars with the problematic scroll view selected.
This allowed me to scroll all the way down.
This only occurred in one of my views, so still not sure what it happens.