Why do we need the html5 canvas element, when the same can be achieved through embedded svg?
- Convert svg to geojson fails with ogr2ogr
- How to get coordinates of an svg?
- Changing color of SVG which was embedded using <
- Understanding svg's viewbox attribute
- Convert an inline SVG into a SVG file
- HTML5 control
- Make marker-end same color as path?
- How to display unicode in SVG?
- Converting svg to png with inkscape command line f
- How to create an SVG Matrix without an SVG element
- rect collision detection d3js
- My background image get cut off at the bottom
- Unwanted namespaces on SVG markup when using XMLSe
http://people.mozilla.com/~vladimir/xtech2006/ has nice comparison.
With canvas you don't have to deal with the DOM, which leads to faster and easier to write code. SVG is a mess as a specification, too...
an illustration: My blog engine (blogger) doesn't support SVG (it's not a XHTML document). I wrote a tool converting SVG to the canvas element: http://plindenbaum.blogspot.com/2009/11/tool-converting-svg-to-canvas_22.html