How to remove a query string by Key from a Url?
I have the below method which works fine but just wondering is there any better/shorter way? or a built-in .NET method which can do it more efficiently?
public static string RemoveQueryStringByKey(string url, string key)
var indexOfQuestionMark = url.IndexOf("?");
if (indexOfQuestionMark == -1)
return url;
var result = url.Substring(0, indexOfQuestionMark);
var queryStrings = url.Substring(indexOfQuestionMark + 1);
var queryStringParts = queryStrings.Split(new [] {'&'});
var isFirstAdded = false;
for (int index = 0; index <queryStringParts.Length; index++)
var keyValue = queryStringParts[index].Split(new char[] { '=' });
if (keyValue[0] == key)
if (!isFirstAdded)
result += "?";
isFirstAdded = true;
result += "&";
result += queryStringParts[index];
return result;
For example I can call it like:
Console.WriteLine(RemoveQueryStringByKey(@"", "xpid"));
Hope the question is clear.
Here's a full solution that works with >= 0 params specified, and any form of URL:
We can also do it using regex
Below code before deleting your
.How about this:
Sorry this is a bit dirty but should work in older framework