I know how to draw a arc
and I also found how to draw a gradient line from here I have found two function can draw gradient:CGContextDrawLinearGradient and CGContextDrawRadialGradient.but how can I draw a gradient arc? I want to realize like this picture:
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I spent a long time searching for how to do this, too, so I thought I'd post the way I ended up doing it. It turns out both answers are in the excellent answer to this question:
Draw segments from a circle or donut
For my purposes, I only used the drawing and gradient parts of that answer. The structure looks more or less like this...
I hope this helps. If any of this is unclear, I recommend you check out the question link above. The answer to that questions contains everything I used in this answer and a few more cool and useful drawing tips.
You could do it by using
with a clipping path applied. You could do something like this:A swift4 version of Derekahc's answer, and provided more options. check the picture and see what you want~
enter image description here