We have Oracle 10g and we need to query 1 table (no joins) and filter out rows where 1 of the columns is null. When we do this - WHERE OurColumn IS NOT NULL - we get a full table scan on a very large table - BAD BAD BAD. The column has an index on it but it gets ignored in this instance. Are there any solutions to this?
It can depend on the type of index you have on the table.
Most B-tree indexes do not store null entries. Bitmap indexes do store null entries.
So, if you have:
and you have a standard B-tree index on
, then the query can't use the index as the "null" isn't in the index.(If the index is against multiple columns, and one of the indexed columns is not null then there will be an entry in the index.)
The optimiser will make its decision based on the relative cost of the full table scan and using the index. This mainly comes down to how many blocks will have to be read to satisfy the query. The 25%/75% rule of thumb mentioned in another answer is simplistic: in some cases a full table scan will make sense even to get 1% of the rows - i.e. if those rows happen to be spread around many blocks.
For example, consider this table:
As you can see, only approximately 1% of the rows in T1 have a non-null object_id. But due to the way I built the table, these 861 rows will be spread more or less evenly around the table. Therefore, the query:
is likely to visit almost every block in T1 to get data, even if the optimiser used the index. It makes sense then to dispense with the index and go for a full table scan!
A key statistic to help identify this situation is the index clustering factor:
This value 460 is quite high (compared to the 861 rows in the index), and suggests that a full table scan will be used. See this DBAZine article on clustering factors.
If you are doing a select *, then it would make sense to do a table scan rather than using the index. If you know which columns you are interested in, you could create a covered index with those colums plus the one you are applying the IS NOT NULL condition.
Oracle database don't index null values at all in regular (b-tree) indexes, so it can't use it nor you can't force oracle database to use it.
It's also worth checking whether Oracle's statistics on the table are up to date. It may not know that a full table scan will be slower.
See http://www.oracloid.com/2006/05/using-index-for-is-null/
If your index is on one single field, it will NOT be used. Try to add a dummy field or a constant in the index: