I have the following resource (implemented using Spring 4.05.RELEASE) which accepts a file and a JSON object:
(P.S. activityTemplate is a serializable entity class)
@RequestMapping(value="/create", method=RequestMethod.POST)
public @ResponseBody ActivityTemplate createActivityTemplate(
@RequestPart ActivityTemplate activityTemplate, @RequestPart MultipartFile jarFile)
//process the file and JSON
and this is the form I am testing from:
<form method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data"
JSON: <input type="text" name="activityTemplate" value='/* the JSON object*/'><br />
File to upload: <input type="file" name="file">
<input type="submit" value="Upload">
and this is the error that I get:
There was an unexpected error (type=Unsupported Media Type, status=415).
Content type 'application/octet-stream' not supported
So how should I make the resource accept the JSON object as part of the multipart request, or should I be sending the form in a different way?
Hope this should help you. You need to set the boundary in your request to inform the HTTP Request. is simple; A brief introduction to the multipart format can be found in the below link
HTML 4.01 Specification for multipart
The following example illustrates "multipart/form-data" encoding. If the Json Object is "MyJsonObj" , and file that need to be send is "myfile.txt", the user agent might send back the following data:
or if your files is of type image with name "image.gif" then,
You specify
in theContent-Type header
so that the server knows how to split the data sent.So, you basically need to select a boundary value to:
.The default content type is 'application/octet-stream'. Since you are uploading jar file and JSON the content type should be set in the
annotation as follows:this may help you, while receiving MultipartFile you should set request header content-type to "multipart/form-data" , then in your controller use consumes="multipart/form-data" , consumes also used to map our request to our method in controller.
If you want to receive JSON data , better to send request in the form of JSONString , just receive that jsonstring, later convert into json Object format then, use that object for yours operations.
check below code :
This took me two days to work for me!
client (angular):
Spring (Boot):
You have not given the param names to your @RequestParts ?
Note: do not forget to include the jackson mapper .jar (maps your Json to ActivityTemplate) file in your classpath.
The error message indicates that there is no HttpMessageConverter registered for a multi-part/MIME part of content type: application/octet-stream. Still, your
parameter is most likely correctly identified as application/octet-stream, so I'm assuming there's a mismatch in the parameter mapping.So, first try setting the same name for the parameter and the form's input element.
Another problem is that the JSON is uploaded as a (regular) value of a text input in the form, not as a separate part in the multi-part/MIME. So there's no content-type header associated with it to find out that Spring should use the JSON deserializer. You can use
instead and register a specific converter like in this answer: JSON parameter in spring MVC controller