I'm trying to position a TableView inside my ViewController view but leaving a 44 height gap between the bottom of the navigation bar and the top of the table. I then wanted to place a UITextField inside that gap to act as a stationary header. For some reason, the TableView has an empty white space above the start of the "Prototype Cells". Its just white space. Here is what it looks like in the storyboard.
When viewing the app display, this is what it looks like:
When scrolling the table, it goes all the way up to the correct place:
My issues is, I set
as newUIView
like thisRemove this line, the issue is gone. Try this:
You should not need to change the default setting for Extend Edges.
Looks like the real problem is a blank table header view in your storyboard. It's showing in the screenshot you provided of your storyboard, right below the Enter Name view and right above the Prototype Cells view. Delete it.
Try this one:
For Objective-C folks, add this in your ViewDidLoad method.
Just add this in you ViewDidLoad method