I'm making a parser with Scala Combinators. It is awesome. What I end up with is a long list of entagled case classes, like: ClassDecl(Complex,List(VarDecl(Real,float), VarDecl(Imag,float)))
, just 100x longer. I was wondering if there is a good way to print case classes like these in a tree-like fashion so that it's easier to read..? (or some other form of Pretty Print)
name = Complex
fields =
- VarDecl
name = Real
type = float
- VarDecl
name = Imag
type = float
^ I want to end up with something like this
edit: Bonus question
Is there also a way to show the name of the parameter..? Like: ClassDecl(name=Complex, fields=List( ... )
The nicest, most concise "out-of-the" box experience I've found is with the Kiama pretty printing library. It doesn't print member names without using additional combinators, but with only
import org.kiama.output.PrettyPrinter._; pretty(any(data))
you have a great start:Produces:
Note that this is just the most basic example. Kiama PrettyPrinter is an extremely powerful library with a rich set of combinators specifically designed for intelligent spacing, line wrapping, nesting, and grouping. It's very easy to tweak to suit your needs. As of this posting, it's available in SBT with:
Use the com.lihaoyi.pprint library.
you can also configure width, height, indent and colors:
Docs: http://www.lihaoyi.com/PPrint/
Using reflection
Just like parser combinators, Scala already contains pretty printer combinators in the standard library. You are not saying it plainly in your question if you need the solution that does "reflection" or you'd like to build the printer explicitly. (though your "bonus question" hints you probably want "reflective" solution)
Anyway, in the case you'd like to develop simple pretty printer using plain Scala library, here it is. The following code is REPLable.
Bonus question: wrap the printers into type classes for even greater composability.
Check out a small extensions library named sext. It exports these two functions exactly for purposes like that.
Here's how it can be used for your example:
Following is the output of this program: