I am using the OPC UA Foundation SDK to develop a small client. What would be the minimal C# code to:
- Connect to a server
- Browse the root node
- Print the immediate children's BrowseNames
- Quit?
I am given the server endpoint (no discovery), security None.
The code should make no use of config files, nor require a STA.
Any help on this would be more than appreciated.
Edit 4/2018:
The OPC UA .Net Standard Library is going asynchronous. See the updated sample.
Edit 9/2016:
Everyone should see the new OPC UA .Net Standard Library.
You can develop apps that run on all common platforms available today, including Linux, iOS, Android (via Xamarin) and Windows.
And you can find many samples, including a sample inspired by this post. Look for the folder SampleApplications/Samples/NetCoreConsoleClient.
Original post:
Help with homework, perhaps?