I'm trying to render an html table using underscore template engine. First I have the JSON response from the server like this
CurrentModel: {
Heading: "Home",
Id: "pages/193",
Metadata: {
Name: "Home",
Title: null,
Keywords: null,
Description: null,
DisplayInMenu: true,
Published: "/Date(1334499539404)/",
Changed: "/Date(1334499539404)/",
ChangedBy: "Marcus",
IsPublished: true,
IsDeleted: false,
Slug: null,
Url: null,
SortOrder: 0
Parent: null,
Children: [
Children: [
Heading: "Foo",
MainBody: null,
Id: "pages/226",
Metadata: {
Name: "I'm an article",
Title: null,
Keywords: null,
Description: null,
DisplayInMenu: true,
Published: "/Date(1334511318838)/",
Changed: "/Date(1334511318838)/",
ChangedBy: "Marcus",
IsPublished: true,
IsDeleted: false,
Slug: "i-m-an-article",
Url: "i-m-an-article",
SortOrder: 1
Parent: {},
Children: [ ]
Heading: "Bar",
MainBody: null,
Id: "pages/257",
Metadata: {
Name: "Foo",
Title: null,
Keywords: null,
Description: null,
DisplayInMenu: true,
Published: "/Date(1334953500167)/",
Changed: "/Date(1334953500167)/",
ChangedBy: "Marcus",
IsPublished: true,
IsDeleted: false,
Slug: "foo",
Url: "foo",
SortOrder: 2
Parent: {},
Children: [ ]
The HTML result I'm looking for is pretty much like this where i print some of the data from the CurrentModel and the iterate through the Children property, preferably each tr in the the tbody should be a view using backbone.js so I can wire up some events for this particular row.
<caption><%= CurrentModel.Metadata.Name %></caption>
<th><span>Page name</span></th>
<% _(Children).each(function(page) { %>
<td><%= page.Metadata.Name %></td>
<td><%= page.Metadata.Slug %></td>
<td><%= page.Metadata.IsPublished %></td>
<td><%= page.Metadata.Changed %></td>
<% }); %>
Now, my question is how should my backbone views and models look like or is it not meant to be used like this? The javasscript code below works and renders a tr for each Children if the response from the server is just a Collection of Page, I understand way but I don't know how to modify the code so it can take a complex model and then render parts of that model in one or maybe two javascript views?
In my application.js I have this code
pages: function () {
this.pageList = new PageCollection();
this.pageListView = new PageListView({ model: this.pageList });
where PageCollection looks like this
var PageCollection = Backbone.Collection.extend({
url: '/pages',
model: Page
the model class like this
Page = Backbone.Model.extend({
metadata: {
name: null,
title: null,
keywords: null,
description: null,
displayInMenu: null,
published: null,
changed: null,
changedBy: null,
isPublished: null,
isDeleted: null,
slug: null,
url: null,
sortOrder: null
parent: {},
children: [],
ancestors: null,
initialize: function () { }
the PageListView
PageListView = Backbone.View.extend({
tagName: 'table',
initialize: function () {
this.model.bind("reset", this.render, this);
render: function (eventName) {
_.each(this.model.models, function (page) {
$(this.el).append(new PageListItemView({ model: page }).render().el);
}, this);
return this;
and at last the PageListItemView
PageListItemView = Backbone.View.extend({
tagName: "tr",
template: _.template($('#tpl-page-list-item').html()),
events: {
"click td input[type=checkbox]": "publish"
render: function (eventName) {
return this;
publish: function (event) {
First, I would parse the data into the collection to get a list of the pages and maybe grab the
definition :Then, with the row template set up as
you can define your views more or less like you had them
Initialize the collection and the views, fetch the data, and you should have something equivalent to this Fiddle : http://jsfiddle.net/NtmB4/
And a Fiddle corresponding to your full template http://jsfiddle.net/NtmB4/2/