I am trying to create a unique slug in Django so that I can access a post via a url like this: http://www.example.com/buy-a-new-bike_Boston-MA-02111_2
The relevant models:
class ZipCode(models.Model):
zipcode = models.CharField(max_length=5)
city = models.CharField(max_length=64)
statecode = models.CharField(max_length=32)
class Need(models.Model):
title = models.CharField(max_length=50)
us_zip = models.CharField(max_length=5)
slug = ?????
def get_city():
zip = ZipCode.objects.get(zipcode=self.us_zip)
city = "%s, %s %s" % (zip.city, zip.statecode, zip.zipcode)
return city
A sample ZipCode record:
- zipcode = "02111"
- city = "Boston"
- statecode = "MA"
A sample Need record:
- title = "buy a new bike"
- us_zip = "02111"
- slug = "buy-a-new-bike_Boston-MA-02111_2" (desired)
Any tips as to how to create this unique slug? Its composition is:
- Need.title + "_" + Need.get_city() + "_" + an optional incrementing integer to make it unique. All spaces should be replaced with "-".
NOTE: My desired slug above assumes that the slug "buy-a-new-bike_Boston-MA-02111" already exists, which is what it has the "_2" appended to it to make it unique.
I've tried django-extensions, but it seems that it can only take a field or tuple of fields to construct the unique slug. I need to pass in the get_city() function as well as the "_" connector between the title and city. Anyone solved this and willing to share?
Thank you!
I'm already using django-extensions for its UUIDField, so it would be nice if it could also be usable for its AutoSlugField!
If you are thinking of using an app to do it for you, here is one.