I've recently written the following combinations and permutations functions for an F# project, but I'm quite aware they're far from optimised.
/// Rotates a list by one place forward.
let rotate lst =
List.tail lst @ [List.head lst]
/// Gets all rotations of a list.
let getRotations lst =
let rec getAll lst i = if i = 0 then [] else lst :: (getAll (rotate lst) (i - 1))
getAll lst (List.length lst)
/// Gets all permutations (without repetition) of specified length from a list.
let rec getPerms n lst =
match n, lst with
| 0, _ -> seq [[]]
| _, [] -> seq []
| k, _ -> lst |> getRotations |> Seq.collect (fun r -> Seq.map ((@) [List.head r]) (getPerms (k - 1) (List.tail r)))
/// Gets all permutations (with repetition) of specified length from a list.
let rec getPermsWithRep n lst =
match n, lst with
| 0, _ -> seq [[]]
| _, [] -> seq []
| k, _ -> lst |> Seq.collect (fun x -> Seq.map ((@) [x]) (getPermsWithRep (k - 1) lst))
// equivalent: | k, _ -> lst |> getRotations |> Seq.collect (fun r -> List.map ((@) [List.head r]) (getPermsWithRep (k - 1) r))
/// Gets all combinations (without repetition) of specified length from a list.
let rec getCombs n lst =
match n, lst with
| 0, _ -> seq [[]]
| _, [] -> seq []
| k, (x :: xs) -> Seq.append (Seq.map ((@) [x]) (getCombs (k - 1) xs)) (getCombs k xs)
/// Gets all combinations (with repetition) of specified length from a list.
let rec getCombsWithRep n lst =
match n, lst with
| 0, _ -> seq [[]]
| _, [] -> seq []
| k, (x :: xs) -> Seq.append (Seq.map ((@) [x]) (getCombsWithRep (k - 1) lst)) (getCombsWithRep k xs)
Does anyone have any suggestions for how these functions (algorithms) can be sped up? I'm particularly interested in how the permutation (with and without repetition) ones can be improved. The business involving rotations of lists doesn't look too efficient to me in retrospect.
Here's my new implementation for the getPerms
function, inspired by Tomas's answer.
Unfortunately, it's not really any fast than the existing one. Suggestions?
let getPerms n lst =
let rec getPermsImpl acc n lst = seq {
match n, lst with
| k, x :: xs ->
if k > 0 then
for r in getRotations lst do
yield! getPermsImpl (List.head r :: acc) (k - 1) (List.tail r)
if k >= 0 then yield! getPermsImpl acc k []
| 0, [] -> yield acc
| _, [] -> ()
getPermsImpl List.empty n lst
If you have a real need for speed, I encourage you to first find the fastest algorithm for your problem and if the algorithm turns out to be inherently imperative (e.g. bubble sort or the Sieve of Eratosthenes), by all means, use F#'s imperative features for your implementation internally while keeping your API pure for library consumers (more work and risk for you, but excellent results for library consumers).
Specific to your question, I've adapted my fast implementation for generating all permutations of a set lexicographically (originally presented here) to generate r-length permutations:
I am not sure if adapting this algorithm to r-length permutations is terribly inappropriate (i.e. whether there are better imperative or functional algorithms specifically for this problem), but it does, on average, perform almost twice as fast as your latest
implementation for the set[1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9]
, and has the additional feature of yielding the r-length permutations lexicographically (notice also with interest howlexPermsAsc
is not monotonic as a function of r):I noticed that your updated getPerms function contains duplicates. Here's my crack at a dupe-free version. Hopefully the comments speak for themselves. The hardest part was writing an efficient
function, because the concatenation operator has to be used somewhere. Luckily it's only used on small sublists, so the performance remains reasonable. My getAllPerms code below generates all permutations of [1..9] in around a quarter of a second, all 10-element permutations in around 2.5 seconds.Edit: funny, I didn't look at Tomas' code, but his combinations function and my picks function are nearly identical.
Edit: more code in response to comments
If you want to write efficient functional code, then it is a good idea to avoid using the
operator, because concatentation of lists is very inefficient.Here is an example of how you can write a function to generate all combinations:
The parameters of the function are:
is used to remember elements that are already selected to be included in the combination (initially this is an empty list)size
is the remaining number of elements that we need to add toacc
(initially this is the required size of the combinations)set
is the set elements to choose fromThe function is implemented using a simple recursion. If we need to generate combinations of size
then we can either add or don't add the current element, so we try to generate combinations using both options (first case) and add all of them to the generated sequence usingyield!
. If we need 0 more elements, then we successfuly generated a combination (second case) and if we end with some other number but don't have any remaining elements to use then we cannot return anything (last case).Combinations with repetition would be similar - the difference is that you don't need to remove the elements from the list (by using just
in the recursive calls) so there are more options of what to do.