This question was asked two years ago, but the resources it mentions are either not very helpful (IMHO) or links are no longer valid.
There must be some good tutorials out there to understand Phaser
. I've read the javadoc, but my eyes glaze over, since in order to really understand the javadoc you kind of have to know how these classes are supposed to be used.
Anyone have any suggestions?
at least, I think the JavaDoc offers a fairly clear explanation. This is a class that you would use to synchronize a batch of threads, in the sense that your can register each thread in the batch with aPhaser
and then use thePhaser
to have them block until every thread in the batch has notified thePhaser
, at which point any blocked thread(s) will begin executing. This wait/notify cycle can repeat over and over again, as desired/required.Their sample code gives a reasonable example (though I very much dislike their 2-character indentation style):
This sets up a
with a registration count oftasks.size() + 1
, and for each task creates a newThread
which will block until the next advance of thePhaser
(i.e. the time at whichtasks.size() + 1
arrivals have been recorded) and then run its associated task. EachThread
that is created is also instantly started, so thePhaser
comes out of the loop withtasks.size()
arrivals recorded.The final call to
will record the final arrival, and also decrement the registration count so that it now equalstasks.size()
. This causes thePhaser
to advance, which in effect allows all the tasks to start running at the same time. This could be repeated by doing something like:...this is the same as before, except with the addition of a loop that causes the task to be run repeatedly. Because each iteration calls
the execution of the task threads will be synchronized such that task-0 does not begin its second iteration until every other task has completed its first iteration and notified thePhaser
that is is ready to begin its second iteration.This may be useful if the tasks you are running vary greatly in the amount of time they take to execute and if you want to ensure that faster threads do not get out of sync with slower ones.
For a possible real-world application, consider a game that runs separate graphics and physics threads. You don't want to have the physics thread computing data for frame 100 if the graphics thread is stuck on frame 6, and using a
is one possible approach to ensuring that the graphics and physics threads are always working on the same frame at the same time (and also that if one thread is significantly slower than the other the faster thread gracefully yields CPU resources so that hopefully the slower thread can catch up quicker).For Phaser I have answered a few questions. Seeing them may help in understanding their applications. They are linked at the bottom. But to understand what the Phaser does and why its useful its important to know what it solves.
Here are attributes of a CountdownLatch and CyclicBarrier
must wait )CyclicBarrier
So the CountdownLatch is not reusable, you must create a new instance each time, but is avanceable. CylicBarrier can be re used but all threads must wait for each party to arrive at the barrier.
When a thread wants to be known to the Phaser they invoke
when the thread arrives at the barrier they invokephaser.arrive()
and here is where it is advanceable. If the thread wants to await for all registered tasks to completephaser.arriveAndAwaitAdvance()
There is also the concept of a phase in which threads can wait on a completion of a other operations that may have not completed. Once all threads arrive at the phaser's barrier a new phase is created (an increment of one).
You can take a look at my other answers, maybe it will help:
Java ExecutorService: awaitTermination of all recursively created tasks
Flexible CountDownLatch?
Phaser is somewhat similar in functionality of CyclicBarrier and CountDownLatch but it provides more flexibility than both of them.
In CyclicBarrier we used to registering parties in constructor but Phaser provides us flexibility of registering and deRegistering parties at any time. For registering parties, we may use any of the following -
For deRegistering parties, we may use -
register- Adds/Registers a new unarrived party to this phaser. It returns
If invocation of onAdvance() method is in progress than before returning this method may await its completion. If this phaser has a parent, and there were no registered parties with this phaser, this child phaser is also registered with its parent.
Program to demonstrate usage of Phaser>
bulkRegister - Adds parties number of new unarrived parties to this phaser. It returns
If invocation of onAdvance() method is in progress than before returning this method may await its completion.
arriveAndDeregister- Current thread (Party) Arrives and deRegisters from phaser. DeRegistration reduces the number of parties that may be required in future to move to next phase.
If this phaser has a parent, and there were no registered parties with this phaser, this child phaser is also registered with its parent. Program to demonstrate Parent and child Phaser
Read more about Phaser on