I once worked on a C++ project that took about an hour and a half for a full rebuild. Small edit, build, test cycles took about 5 to 10 minutes. It was an unproductive nightmare.
What is the worst build times you ever had to handle?
What strategies have you used to improve build times on large projects?
How much do you think the language used is to blame for the problem? I think C++ is prone to massive dependencies on large projects, which often means even simple changes to the source code can result in a massive rebuild. Which language do you think copes with large project dependency issues best?
ccache & distcc (for C/C++ projects) -
ccache caches compiled output, using the pre-processed file as the 'key' for finding the output. This is great because pre-processing is pretty quick, and quite often changes that force recompile don't actually change the source for many files. Also, it really speeds up a full re-compile. Also nice is the instance where you can have a shared cache among team members. This means that only the first guy to grab the latest code actually compiles anything.
distcc does distributed compilation across a network of machines. This is only good if you HAVE a network of machines to use for compilation. It goes well with ccache, and only moves the pre-processed source around, so the only thing you have to worry about on the compiler engine systems is that they have the right compiler (no need for headers or your entire source tree to be visible).
In general large C++ projects that I've worked on that had slow build times were pretty messy, with lots of interdependencies scattered through the code (the same include files used in most cpps, fat interfaces instead of slim ones). In those cases, the slow build time was just a symptom of the larger problem, and a minor symptom at that. Refactoring to make clearer interfaces and break code out into libraries improved the architecture, as well as the build time. When you make a library, it forces you to think about what is an interface and what isn't, which will actually (in my experience) end up improving the code base. If there's no technical reason to have to divide the code, some programmers through the course of maintenance will just throw anything into any header file.
We tried creating proxy classes once.
These are really a simplified version of a class that only includes the public interface, reducing the number of internal dependencies that need to be exposed in the header file. However, they came with a heavy price of spreading each class over several files that all needed to be updated when changes to the class interface were made.
[Later Edit] 8. Buy faster machines.
My strategy is pretty simple - I don't do large projects. The whole thrust of modern computing is away from the giant and monolithic and towards the small and componentised. So when I work on projects, I break things up into libraries and other components that can be built and tested independantly, and which have minimal dependancies on each other. A "full build" in this kind of environment never actually takes place, so there is no problem.
The last two gave us a reduced linking time from around 12 minutes to 1-2 minutes. Note that this is only needed if things have a huge visibility, i.e. seen "everywhere" and if there are many different constants and classes.