In Android when you pop up a dialog the screen behind it dims. Is there any way to control what that looks like? For example making it dim more or less or using some kind of a pattern?
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This solution did not work for me. There is another option, you can cancel the flag that control dimming. This code worked for me:
Or you can do:
Answering it quite late but I am sure things get deprecated with time so my answer would definitely help someone. First of all create a dialog:
Then get the window of that dialog and add a flag called FLAG_DIM_BEHIND and finally set the dim amount on the screen.
Then show your dialog,
And before you dismiss your dialog, clear the flags:
And then dismiss:
The following parameters worked for me on Android 5.1
params can be assigned to the dialog.
Yes, it is. You can control it.
After creating dialog:
Upd: you can even add blur behind the dialog:
Blurring is deprecated since API14: