Usually, Google OAuth2.0 mechanism is working great.
- The user confirms permission to access Google account with selected scopes.
- The refresh token is retrieved and saved to long time storage.
- Each time needed (if the access token expired) access token is retrieved and used to access APIs.
But sometimes (thus far only two times for more than 6 months) I've experienced strange behaviour:
Requests to Google APIs return Invalid Credentials (401) error. Refreshing the access token (using the stored refresh token) does not help.
Here is some structured output I've got when testing this issue:
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | 1.TRYING TO REFRESH THE TOKEN. | | 2.DONE REFRESHING THE TOKEN. | + ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | access: **************************************************** | | refresh: ********************************************* | | expires: 3600 | | created: 2013-07-23 13:12:36 | + ------------------------------------------------------------------------- +
I've also tried to verify the "fresh" access token by sending requests to
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | 1. TRYING TO CHECK THE TOKEN . | | 2. DONE CHECKING THE TOKEN THE TOKEN. | + ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | issued_to: ************ | | audience: ************ | | user_id: ************ | | expires_in: 3600 | | email: ********** | | verified_email: 1 | | access_type: offline | | scopes:: | + ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | | | | | | | | + ------------------------------------------------------------------------- +
But when I try to access drive feed the response is:
Error calling GET (401) Invalid Credentials domain: global reason: authError message: Invalid Credentials locationType: header location: Authorization
We also experienced the same issue with calendars. So:
- Token was valid before (everything worked).
- Refreshing token still works.
- Requesting a feed responds with "Invalid Credentials" error.
- All the other tokens are still working great, meaning that the code is valid.
Normally when the token is revoked "invalid_grant" error is returned when trying to refresh the token.
- What can be the reason for this behaviour? If the refresh token was revoked or got invalid in some other way, should the request for new access token produce error?
- Is there a way to validate the refresh token?
Maybe this behavior is due to a limitation which Google describes as follows:
I'm on Development environment. I had this problem too.
First I tried refreshing the credentials. No result. Then I deleted my app (since I'm still on development enviroment, that was ok, but BE CAREFUL WITH THIS ACTION if you're already using this on production), created a new one, updated the credentials JSON on the client... still, no result.
I solved it by opening on a new browser instance which wasn't logged in my Google Account (Private Browsing, since I'm on Firefox), logged on my Google Account once again, and tried using my client (which is a Web Application). I was redirected to the authorization screen as expected and after that, it worked fine for me.
clearing storage in Google Chrome worked for me (don't know all the details of what 'Clear storage' is clearing):
TabClear storage
I had this problem when I tried experimenting with changing the redirect url in google console and then updating my json credentials file on server. I had to clear the session variables before starting afresh. So in your project just do this once:
Remember to remove the
after dry running it once.