This is a Bad Idea, I know, but... I want to configure log4net programmatically from scratch with no config file. I'm working on a simple logging application for me and my team to use for a bunch of relatively small departmental applications we're responsible for. I want them to all log to the same database. The logging application is just a wrapper around log4net with the AdoNetAppender preconfigured.
All of the applications are ClickOnce deployed, which presents a small problem with deploying the config file. If the config file were part of the core project, I could set its properties to deploy with the assembly. But it's part of a linked application, so I don't have the option of deploying it with the main application. (If that's not true, somebody please let me know).
Probably because it's a Bad Idea, there doesn't seem to be much sample code available for programmatically configruating log4net from scratch. Here's what I have so far.
Dim apndr As New AdoNetAppender()
apndr.CommandText = "INSERT INTO LOG_ENTRY (LOG_DTM, LOG_LEVEL, LOGGER, MESSAGE, PROGRAM, USER_ID, MACHINE, EXCEPTION) VALUES (@log_date, @log_level, @logger, @message, @program, @user, @machine, @exception)"
apndr.ConnectionString = connectionString
apndr.ConnectionType = "System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection, System.Data, Version=1.0.3300.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089"
apndr.CommandType = CommandType.Text
Dim logDate As New AdoNetAppenderParameter()
logDate.ParameterName = "@log_date"
logDate.DbType = DbType.DateTime
logDate.Layout = New RawTimeStampLayout()
Dim logLevel As New AdoNetAppenderParameter()
logLevel.ParameterName = "@log_level"
'And so forth...
After configuring all the parameters for apndr
, I at first tried this...
Dim hier As Hierarchy = DirectCast(LogManager.GetRepository(), Hierarchy)
It didn't work. Then, as a shot in the dark, I tried this instead.
That didn't work either. Does anybody have any good references on how to configure log4net programmatically from scratch with no config file?
I ended up using this:
After 4 hours fiddling with the config and getting progressively more frustrated.
Hope it helps someone.
'Solution for Vb.Net
// I've embedded three config files as an Embedded Resource and access them like this:
More concise solution:
Don't forget to call ActivateOptions method:
Here's an example class that creates log4net config completely in code. I should mention that creating a logger via a static method is generally viewed as bad, but in my context, this is what I wanted. Regardless, you can carve up the code to meet your needs.
I can't tell in the question's code snippet if the "'And so forth..." includes the very important apndr.ActivateOptions() which is indicated in Todd Stout's answer. Without ActivateOptions() the Appender is inactive and will not do anything which could explain why it is failing.