How to configure log4net programmatically from scr

2019-01-02 20:11发布

This is a Bad Idea, I know, but... I want to configure log4net programmatically from scratch with no config file. I'm working on a simple logging application for me and my team to use for a bunch of relatively small departmental applications we're responsible for. I want them to all log to the same database. The logging application is just a wrapper around log4net with the AdoNetAppender preconfigured.

All of the applications are ClickOnce deployed, which presents a small problem with deploying the config file. If the config file were part of the core project, I could set its properties to deploy with the assembly. But it's part of a linked application, so I don't have the option of deploying it with the main application. (If that's not true, somebody please let me know).

Probably because it's a Bad Idea, there doesn't seem to be much sample code available for programmatically configruating log4net from scratch. Here's what I have so far.

Dim apndr As New AdoNetAppender()
apndr.CommandText = "INSERT INTO LOG_ENTRY (LOG_DTM, LOG_LEVEL, LOGGER, MESSAGE, PROGRAM, USER_ID, MACHINE, EXCEPTION) VALUES (@log_date, @log_level, @logger, @message, @program, @user, @machine, @exception)"
apndr.ConnectionString = connectionString
apndr.ConnectionType = "System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection, System.Data, Version=1.0.3300.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089"
apndr.CommandType = CommandType.Text
Dim logDate As New AdoNetAppenderParameter()
logDate.ParameterName = "@log_date"
logDate.DbType = DbType.DateTime
logDate.Layout = New RawTimeStampLayout()
Dim logLevel As New AdoNetAppenderParameter()
logLevel.ParameterName = "@log_level"
'And so forth...

After configuring all the parameters for apndr, I at first tried this...

Dim hier As Hierarchy = DirectCast(LogManager.GetRepository(), Hierarchy)

It didn't work. Then, as a shot in the dark, I tried this instead.


That didn't work either. Does anybody have any good references on how to configure log4net programmatically from scratch with no config file?

2楼-- · 2019-01-02 20:31

A bit late for the party. But here is a minimal config that worked for me.

Sample class

public class Bar
    private readonly ILog log = LogManager.GetLogger(typeof(Bar));
    public void DoBar() { log.Info("Logged"); }

Minimal log4net trace config (inside NUnit test)

public void Foo()
    var tracer = new TraceAppender();
    var hierarchy = (Hierarchy)LogManager.GetRepository();
    var patternLayout = new PatternLayout {ConversionPattern = "%m%n"};
    tracer.Layout = patternLayout;
    hierarchy.Configured = true;

    var bar = new Bar();

Prints to the trace listener

Namespace+Bar: Logged
3楼-- · 2019-01-02 20:36

One way I've done this in the past is to include the configuration file as an embedded resource, and just used log4net.Config.Configure(Stream).

That way, I could use the configuration syntax I was familiar with, and didn't have to worry about getting a file deployed.

4楼-- · 2019-01-02 20:38

Here's a soup-to-nuts example of how you can create and use an AdoNetAdapter entirely in code, completely in the absence of any App.config file (not even for Common.Logging). Go ahead, delete it!

This has the added benefit of being resilient against updates under the new naming conventions, where the assembly name now reflects the version. (Common.Logging.Log4Net1213, etc.)


  [Id] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
  [Date] [datetime] NOT NULL,
  [Thread] [varchar](255) NOT NULL,
  [Level] [varchar](20) NOT NULL,
  [Source] [varchar](255) NOT NULL,
  [Message] [varchar](max) NOT NULL,
  [Exception] [varchar](max) NOT NULL


Imports log4net
Imports log4net.Core
Imports log4net.Layout
Imports log4net.Config
Imports log4net.Appender

Module Main
  Sub Main()
    Dim oLogger As ILog
    Dim sInput As String
    Dim iOops As Integer

    BasicConfigurator.Configure(New DbAppender)
    oLogger = LogManager.GetLogger(GetType(Main))

    Console.Write("Command: ")

        sInput = Console.ReadLine.Trim

        Select Case sInput.ToUpper
          Case "QUIT" : Exit Do
          Case "OOPS" : iOops = String.Empty
          Case Else : oLogger.Info(sInput)
        End Select

      Catch ex As Exception
        oLogger.Error(ex.Message, ex)

      End Try

      Console.Write("Command: ")
  End Sub
End Module


Imports log4net
Imports log4net.Core
Imports log4net.Layout
Imports log4net.Appender
Imports log4net.Repository.Hierarchy

Public Class DbAppender
  Inherits AdoNetAppender

  Public Sub New()
    MyBase.BufferSize = 1
    MyBase.CommandText = Me.CommandText

    Me.Parameters.ForEach(Sub(Parameter As DbParameter)
                          End Sub)

  End Sub

  Protected Overrides Function CreateConnection(ConnectionType As Type, ConnectionString As String) As IDbConnection
    Return MyBase.CreateConnection(GetType(System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection), "Data Source=(local);Initial Catalog=Logger;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=username;Password=password")
  End Function

  Private Overloads ReadOnly Property CommandText As String
      Dim _
        sValues As String

      sColumns = Join(Me.Parameters.Select(Function(P As DbParameter) P.DbColumn).ToArray, ",")
      sValues = Join(Me.Parameters.Select(Function(P As DbParameter) P.ParameterName).ToArray, ",")

      Return String.Format(COMMAND_TEXT, sColumns, sValues)
    End Get
  End Property

  Private ReadOnly Property Parameters As List(Of DbParameter)
      Parameters = New List(Of DbParameter)
    End Get
  End Property

  Private ReadOnly Property LogDate As DbParameter
      Return New DbParameter("Date", DbType.Date, 0, New DbPatternLayout("%date{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff}"))
    End Get
  End Property

  Private ReadOnly Property Thread As DbParameter
      Return New DbParameter("Thread", DbType.String, 255, New DbPatternLayout("%thread"))
    End Get
  End Property

  Private ReadOnly Property Level As DbParameter
      Return New DbParameter("Level", DbType.String, 50, New DbPatternLayout("%level"))
    End Get
  End Property

  Private ReadOnly Property Source As DbParameter
      Return New DbParameter("Source", DbType.String, 255, New DbPatternLayout("%logger.%M()"))
    End Get
  End Property

  Private ReadOnly Property Message As DbParameter
      Return New DbParameter("Message", DbType.String, 4000, New DbPatternLayout("%message"))
    End Get
  End Property

  Private ReadOnly Property Exception As DbParameter
      Return New DbParameter("Exception", DbType.String, 2000, New DbExceptionLayout)
    End Get
  End Property

  Private Const COMMAND_TEXT As String = "INSERT INTO Log ({0}) VALUES ({1})"
End Class


Imports log4net
Imports log4net.Core
Imports log4net.Layout
Imports log4net.Appender
Imports log4net.Repository.Hierarchy

Public Class DbParameter
  Inherits AdoNetAppenderParameter

  Private ReadOnly Name As String

  Public Sub New(Name As String, Type As DbType, Size As Integer, Layout As ILayout)
    With New RawLayoutConverter
      Me.Layout = .ConvertFrom(Layout)
    End With

    Me.Name = Name.Replace("@", String.Empty)
    Me.ParameterName = String.Format("@{0}", Me.Name)
    Me.DbType = Type
    Me.Size = Size
  End Sub

  Public ReadOnly Property DbColumn As String
      Return String.Format("[{0}]", Me.Name)
    End Get
  End Property
End Class


Imports log4net
Imports log4net.Core
Imports log4net.Layout
Imports log4net.Appender
Imports log4net.Repository.Hierarchy

Public Class DbPatternLayout
  Inherits PatternLayout

  Public Sub New(Pattern As String)
    Me.ConversionPattern = Pattern
  End Sub
End Class


Imports log4net
Imports log4net.Core
Imports log4net.Layout
Imports log4net.Appender
Imports log4net.Repository.Hierarchy

Public Class DbExceptionLayout
  Inherits ExceptionLayout

  Public Sub New()
  End Sub
End Class
5楼-- · 2019-01-02 20:40

Dr. Netjes has this for setting the connectionstring programmatically:

// Get the Hierarchy object that organizes the loggers
log4net.Repository.Hierarchy.Hierarchy hier = 
  log4net.LogManager.GetLoggerRepository() as log4net.Repository.Hierarchy.Hierarchy;

if (hier != null)
  //get ADONetAppender
  log4net.Appender.ADONetAppender adoAppender = 
  if (adoAppender != null)
    adoAppender.ConnectionString =
    adoAppender.ActivateOptions(); //refresh settings of appender
6楼-- · 2019-01-02 20:41

As Jonathan says, using a resource is a good solution.

It's a bit restrictive in that the embedded resource contents will be fixed at compile time. I have a logging component that generates an XmlDocument with a basic Log4Net configuration, using variables defined as appSettings (e.g. filename for a RollingFileAppender, default logging level, maybe connection string name if you want to use an AdoNetAppender). And then I call log4net.Config.XmlConfigurator.Configure to configure Log4Net using the root element of the generated XmlDocument.

Then administrators can customise the "standard" configuration by modifying a few appSettings (typically level, filename, ...) or can specify an external configuration file to get more control.

7楼-- · 2019-01-02 20:41

It is strange that BasicConfigurator.Configure(apndr) did not work. In my case it did its job... But, anyway, here goes the answer - you should've wrote hier.Configured = true; (c# code) after you've finished all setup.

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