I am coming from PetaPoco camp. PetaPoco has a T4 template which generates model from the database. Is anything similar available for Dapper?
I installed Dapper using NuGet and added SqlHelper.cs, but I didn't find anything which generates model from the database.
Calling the stored procedure from a cursor
If you combine the sp mattritchies mentioned (see answer above) and call it from a cursor you can generate the poco class for every table in your database
Stored Procedure mattritchies mentioned
I took the sql from mattritchies answer (see above) and created the stored procedure he mentioned and modified it a bit so that it adds the class name as well. If you put Management Studio into Text-Output-Mode and remove the output of the column names you get copy paste text for all classes:
P.S.: I would have done it as an edit suggestion to his answers but my experience is that often edit suggestions get rejected.
User chris-w-mclean suggested the following changes (see his suggested-edit) which i have not tried myself:
SELECT 1 as rowNr, 'public class '
withSELECT 1.0 as rowNr, 'public class '
SELECT 2 as rowNr, 'public '
withSELECT 2 + a1.ORDINAL_POSITION/1000 as rowNr, 'public '
this linecast(ORDINAL_POSITION as float) as ORDINAL_POSITION,
toSELECT 3.0 as
Try this version I optimized a bit, so that the result doesn't need to be piped to Text output. Instead, the PRINT statement allows the output to be copy/pasted easily. I've also removed the subquery and added declarations for nvarchar/ntext types.
This is for a single table, but it can be converted to a stored proc to use one of the cursor suggestions above.
Dapper itself provides few extension methods (Query, Execute) for the connection object and does not have "model generator." Perhaps some other framework can be used to generate POCO's based on the db schema.
Database tables to C# POCO classes T4 template
I've just recently written a sql query to do the job for myself. And updating it with extra types when i need. Just replace the table name where it says @@@@.
To make alot of tables i created a temp stored procedure to call. eg.
exec createTablePOCO(@tableName)
Here's dapper-pocos I made for generating POCOs for Dapper. The solution uses SQL Server's "sp_HELP" and "sp_describe_first_result_set". Give it the name of a stored procedure, or give it a select statement, and it will generate the related POCOs for use with Dapper. The app just passes the stored procedure or select statement to sp_Help and sp_describe_first_result_set, and maps the results to C# data types.