I have an android layout which has a scrollView
with a number of elements with in it. At the bottom of the scrollView
I have a listView
which is then populated by an adapter.
The problem that I am experiencing, is that android is excluding the listView
from the scrollView
as the scrollView
already has a scroll-able function. I want the listView
to be as long as the content is and for the master scroll view to be scroll-able.
How can I achieve this behavior?
Here is my main layout:
android:gravity="top" >
android:orientation="vertical" >
I then programmatically add my components to the linearlayour with the id: foodItemActvity_linearLayout_fragments
. Below is one of the views that is loaded into that linearlayout. This is the one giving me trouble with the scrolls.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<LinearLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
android:orientation="vertical" >
android:textAppearance="?android:attr/textAppearanceMedium" />
My adapter then fills up this list view.
Here is an image from the android hierarchy viewer when I click on the master scrollView:
As you can see, it is excluding the reviews listView.
I should be able to scroll the page down and see 8 reviews, but instead it only shows me those 3, and I can scroll on the tiny part where the reviews are. I want a global page scroll
You can easy put ListView in ScrollView! Just need to change height of ListView programmatically, like this:
This works perfectly!
found a solution for scrollview -> viewpager -> FragmentPagerAdapter -> fragment -> dynamic listview, but im not the author. there is some bugs, but at least it works
fragments layout can be anything
then somewhere just
The answer is simple and I am surprised it has yet to be answered here.
Use a
Header View
or/andFooter View
on the list itself. Don't mix aScrollView
with aListView
or anything that can scroll. It's meant to be used with headers and footers :)Essentially, take all the content above your ListView, put it in another .xml file as a layout and then in code inflate it and add it to the list as a header view.
You Create Custom ListView Which is non Scrollable
In Your Layout Resources File
In Java File Create a object of your customListview instead of ListView like : NonScrollListView non_scroll_list = (NonScrollListView) findViewById(R.id.lv_nonscroll_list);
This worked for me (link1, link2):
You Create Custom ListView Which is non Scrollable
In Your Layout File
Create a object of your customListview instead of ListView like :
My requirement is to include a ListView of equally-sized items within a ScrollView. I tried a few of the other solutions listed here, none seemed to size the ListView correctly (either too little space or too much). Here's what worked for me:
Hope this helps someone.