So, for some strange reason I end up with a 100GB log file that is unsorted (actually it's partially sorted), while the algorithms that I'm attempting to apply require sorted data. A line in the log file looks like so
data <date> data data more data
I have access to C# 4.0 and about 4 GB of RAM on my workstation. I would imagine that merge-sort of some kind would be best here, but short of implementing these algorithms myself - I want to ask if there's some kind of a shortcut I could take.
Incidentally parsing the date string with DateTime.Parse()
is very slow and takes up a lot of CPU time - The chugging-rate is measly 10 MB/sec. Is there a faster way than the following?
public static DateTime Parse(string data)
int year, month, day;
int.TryParse(data.Substring(0, 4), out year);
int.TryParse(data.Substring(5, 2), out month);
int.TryParse(data.Substring(8, 2), out day);
return new DateTime(year, month, day);
I wrote that to speed up DateTime.Parse()
and it actually works well, but is still taking a bucket-load of cycles.
Note that for the current log-file I'm interested in hours, minutes and seconds also. I know that I can provide DateTime.Parse() with format, but that doesn't seem to speed it up all that much.
I'm looking for a nudge in the right direction, thanks in advance.
EDIT: Some people have suggested that I use string comparison in order to compare dates. That would work for the sorting phase, but I do need to parse dates for the algorithms. I still have no idea how to sort 100GB file on 4GB of free ram, without doing it manually.
EDIT 2 : Well, thanks to several suggestions that I use windows sort, I found out that there's a similar tool for Linux. Basically you call sort and it fixes everything for you. As we speak it's doing something, and I hope it'll finish soon. The command I'm using is
sort -k 2b 2008.log > 2008.sorted.log
-k specifies that I want to sort on the second row, which is an date-time string in the usual YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss.msek
format. I must admit that the man-pages are lacking explaining all the options, but I found a lot of examples by running info coreutils 'sort invocation'
I'll report back with results and timings. This part of the log is about 27GB. I am thinking of sorting 2009 and 2010 separately and then merging the results into a single file with the sort -m option.
Edit 3 Well, checking iotop suggests that it's reading in small chunks of the data file and then furiously doing something in order to process them. This process seems to be quite slow. =(
isn't using any memory, and only a single core. When it does read data from the drive it's not processing anything. Am I doing something wrong?
Edit 4 Three hours in and it's still doing the same thing. Now I'm at that stage where I want to try playing with parameters of the function, but I'm three hours invested... I'll abort in in about 4 hours, and try to put it for overnight computation with smarter memory and space parameters...
Edit 5 Before I went home, I restarted the process with the following command:
sort -k 2b --buffer-size=60% -T ~/temp/ -T "/media/My Passport" 2010.log -o 2010.sorted.log
It returned this, this morning:
sort: write failed: /media/My Passport/sortQAUKdT: File too large
Wraawr! I thought I would just add as many hard drives as possible to speed this process up. Apparently adding a USB-drive was the worst idea ever. At the moment I can't even tell if it's about FAT/NTFS or some such, because fdisk is telling me that the USB drive is a "wrong device"... no kidding. I'll try to give it another go later, for now let's put this project into the maybe failed pile.
Final Notice This time it worked, with the same command as above, but without the problematic external hard drive. Thank you all for your help!
Using 2 workstation grade (at least 70mb/sec read/write IO) hard-disks on the same SATA controller, it took me 162 minutes to sort a 30GB log file. I will need to sort another 52 GB file tonight, I'll post how that goes.
Code like this is completely bound by how fast you can get the data off the disk. The file simply can never fit in the file system cache so you're always waiting on the disk to supply the data. You're doing fairly well at 10 MB/sec, optimizing the code is never going to have a discernible effect.
Get a faster disk. Defrag the one you've got as an intermediate step.
Short answer - load the data into a relational database eg Sql Express, create an index, and use a cursor based solution eg DataReader to read each record off and write it to disk.
Assuming that your log file only has 1-2% of the rows out of order, you could make a single pass through the complete log, outputing two files: one file that is in order and another file containing the 1-2% of rows that are out of order. Then sort the out-of-order rows in memory and perform a single merge of the formerly out-of-order rows with the in-order rows. This will be much faster than a full mergesort which will do many more passes.
Assuming that your log file has no row more than N rows out of place, you could make a single pass through the log with a sorted queue N rows deep. Whenever you encounter a log row that is out of order, just insert it into the proper place in the queue. Since this only requires a single pass through the log, it's going to be as fast as you can get.
Not really as a solution, but just out of interest, one way to do it like this:
The problem is that you would need to read/write 100 files on each pass and do 100 passes to make sure that the data is sorted.
If my maths is correct: That is 10 000 GB read and 10 000 GB write, at an average 10MB/sec that is 20 000 000 sec which is 231 days
One way that is might work is that you scan the file once and write to smaller files, one for each time period for example day or hour. Then sort these individual files.
For sorting you could implement a file-based bucket sort:
The result would be a separate log file for each day, or separate for each hour. Choose so that you get files of a size that you can easily sort.
The remaining task would be to sort the created files and possibly merge the file again.
Apart from whatever you are doing (probably, willw's suggestion is helpful), your parsing could be done over multiple threads provided you have multiple processors or processor cores.