I'm new to Mocha and I am trying to use it to test a simple React component. The test would pass if the react component doesn't have any CSS styling but throws a syntax error if the tag within the React component contains any className:
import React from 'react';
export default class Testing extends React.Component {
render() {
return (
<input type="text" />
import {
} from '../../test_helper';
import TestingSample from '../../../app/components/Testing.react.js';
describe('TestingSample component', function(){
before('render and locate element', function(){
var renderedComponent = TestUtils.renderIntoDocument(
<TestingSample />
var inputComponent = TestUtils.findRenderedDOMComponentWithTag(
renderedComponent, 'input'
this.inputElement = inputComponent.getDOMNode();
it('<input> should be of type "text"', function () {
assert(this.inputElement.getAttribute('type') === 'text');
The test would pass:
> mocha --opts ./test/javascripts/mocha.opts --compilers js:babel/register --recursive test/javascripts/**/*.jsx
TestSample component
✓ <input> should be of type "text"
1 passing (44ms)
after I added the className inside of the input tag an error shows up:
import React from 'react';
import testingStyle from '../../scss/components/landing/testing.scss';
export default class Testing extends React.Component {
render() {
return (
<input type="text" className="testingStyle.color" placeholder="Where would you like to dine" />
Test result:
SyntaxError: /Users/../../../Documents/project/app/scss/components/landing/testing.scss: Unexpected token (1:0)
> 1 | .color {
| ^
2 | color: red;
3 | }
I've searched online but no luck so far. Am I missing something? Please help me out or point me to the right direction would be greatly appreciated.
I'm currently using:
Node Express Server
None of these solutions worked for me, as I'm using mocha-webpack, and it doesn't accept the "--compilers" switch. I implemented the ignore-styles package, as described in the most popular answer, but it seemed inert, with no difference in my Istanbul coverage report (.less files still being tested).
The problem is the .less loader that I was using in my webpack.config.test.js file. Simply swapping less-loader for null-loader fixed my problem.
For me, this is by far the simplest solution, and targets my testing configuration directly, rather than having to alter/add to the package.json scripts, or worse, add new .js files.
One simple way is to import 'ignore-styles'; in your test classes..
For those looking how to handle this in
- you just add a handler for style files:More here.
There is a
style hook to ignore style imports:https://www.npmjs.com/package/ignore-styles
Install it:
npm install --save-dev ignore-styles
Run tests without styles:
mocha --require ignore-styles
you can use a css compilers run mocha, the compiler js as follow:
and run the mocha command like this:
My same answer as here, this is what I used to get working on Babel 6
This enables you to have your tests inside your src folder alongside your components. You can add as many extensions as you would like with require.extensions.