When I load an image from the media gallery into a Bitmap, everything is working fine, except that pictures that were shot with the camera while holding the phone vertically, are rotated so that I always get a horizontal picture even though it appears vertical in the gallery. Why is that and how can I load it correctly?
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The first thing you need is the real File path If you have it great, if you are using URI then use this method to get the real Path:
extract your Bitmap for example:
you can use decodeFile() instead if you wish.
Now that you have the Bitmap and the real Path get the Orientation of the Image:
and finally rotate it to the right position like so:
That's it , you now have the bitmap rotated to the right position.
its because gallery correct displaying rotated images but not ImageView look at here:
and you need this:
The methods below scales AND rotates the bitmap according to the orientation:
I solved the problem with the following workaround. Note that I am also scaling the image, which was necessary to avoid OutOfMemoryExceptions.
Beware that this solution will not work properly with portrait images or opside-down images (thank you Timmmm for noting). Timmmm's solution above might be the better choice if that is required and it looks more elegant, too: https://stackoverflow.com/a/8914291/449918
Solved it in my case with this code using help of this post:
Hope it saves someone's time!
I improved upon the answer by Teo Inke. It no longer rotates the image unless it is actually necessary. It is also easier to read, and should run faster.