I'm having trouble exporting an app for Ad Hoc Distribution on Xcode 6 beta 2:
When exporting my project for ad hoc development on Xcode 6, I receive this alert. I've tried exporting it on Xcode 5 and had no problems at all saving the .ipa. Is anyone experiencing this problem as well?
I've had the same issue two days ago. Turns out the problem was:
The solution is: get a private key for enterprise account of my client. There are 2 possible options:
How to find out if you have a private key for a certificate: Open Keychain Access application. Choose certificates. Find your certificate. If you see small grey triangle on the left side of the certificate, open it and you see your private key. No triangle = no private key.
Delete you ios Distribution certificate from the apple developer site and regenrate the ios Distribution with the certSignReq file. Works for me always. Your other apps wouldnt be affected . Atleast in my case it never did.
Apple has changed the way of Ad Hoc build. Now you can't make Ad Hoc distribution builds using dev cert. You should use a distribution cert with an "Ad Hoc" provisioning profile instead.