I would like to create a very simple C application that does an HTTP post. It will take a few parameters, and use these to construct a URL. I'd just like to do a simple HTTP POST and get the response without the use of curl (the libraries are not and will not be installed on the machine this needs to run).
Process 2 args
Put args into template URL: http://api.somesite.com/apikey=ARG1&command=ARG2
Do POST on generated URL
Consume response
My Google and SO searches haven't yielded anything on this matter.
Handle added.
Added Host header.
Added linux / windows support, tested (XP,WIN7).
WARNING: ERROR : "segmentation fault" if no host,path or port as argument.
A message has a header part and a message body separated by a blank line. The blank line is ALWAYS needed even if there is no message body. The header starts with a command and has additional lines of key value pairs separated by a colon and a space. If there is a message body, it can be anything you want it to be.
Lines in the header and the blank line at the end of the header must end with a carraige return and linefeed pair (see HTTP header line break style) so that's why those lines have \r\n at the end.
A URL has the form of
There are two main ways of submitting a request to a website:
GET: The query string is optional but, if specified, must be reasonably short. Because of this the header could just be the GET command and nothing else. A sample message could be:
POST: What would normally be in the query string is in the body of the message instead. Because of this the header needs to include the Content-Type: and Content-Length: attributes as well as the POST command. A sample message could be:
So, to answer your question: if the URL you are interested in POSTing to is http://api.somesite.com/apikey=ARG1&command=ARG2 then there is no body or query string and, consequently, no reason to POST because there is nothing to put in the body of the message and so nothing to put in the Content-Type: and Content-Length:
I guess you could POST if you really wanted to. In that case your message would look like:
So to send the message the C program needs to:
The send and receive calls won't necessarily send/receive ALL the data you give them - they will return the number of bytes actually sent/received. It is up to you to call them in a loop and send/receive the remainder of the message.
What I did not do in this sample is any sort of real error checking - when something fails I just exit the program. Let me know if it works for you:
Like the other answer pointed out, 4096 bytes is not a very big response. I picked that number at random assuming that the response to your request would be short. If it can be big you have two choices:
Additional information to answer the question asked in the comments:
What if you want to POST data in the body of the message? Then you do need to include the Content-Type: and Content-Length: headers. The Content-Length: is the actual length of everything after the blank line that separates the header from the body.
Here is a sample that takes the following command line arguments:
So, for the original question you would run:
And for the question asked in the comments you would run:
Here is the code:
Jerry's answer is great. However, it doesn't handle large responses. A simple change to handle this:
After weeks of research. I came up with the following code. I believe this is the bare minimum needed to make a secure connection with SSL to a web server.
The code above will explain in details how to establish a TLS connection with a remote server.
Important note: this code doesn't check if the public key was signed by a valid authority. Meaning I don't use root certificates for validation. Don't forget to implement this check otherwise you won't know if you are connecting the right website
When it comes to the request itself. It is nothing more then writing the HTTP request by hand.
You can also find under this link an explanation how to instal openSSL in your system, and how to compile the code so it uses the secure library.