First please forgive me for total lack of understanding of Varnish. This is my first go at doing anything with Varnish.
I am following the example at:
However when I install and run this, Varnish does not seem to cache. I do get the X-Varnish header with a single number and a Via header that has a value of 1.1 varnish
I have been told (by my ISP) it is because of the following cookie that Magento sets:
Set-Cookie: frontend=6t2d2q73rv9s1kddu8ehh8hvl6; expires=Thu, 17-Feb-2011 14:29:19 GMT; path=/; domain=XX.X.XX.XX; httponly
They said that I either have to change Magento to handle this or configure Varnish to handle this. Since changing Magento is out of the question, I was wondering if someone can give me a clue as to how I would configure Varnish to handle this cookie?
If you are using Varnish 3.0, you may have to change your .vcl config. Here's what I am using with magento and varnish 3:
How to cache Magento in Varnish (Theory) - There are 2 components to this
1) Static assets (eg. Images, CSS, JS) - This is a simple common pattern that involves detecting requests that belong to this category and setting a cache time (Or relying on the cache time being sent by the origin server) Example of this in gist form
2) HTML documents - This is the much more complex part of a good Magento solution. Its critical to cache HTML documents in Varnish to be able to improve Magento performance. HTML document generation is the most expensive (time consuming) thing that a Magento server will do.
The challenge with caching HTML documents comes from personalised content.
Personalised content and HTML documents
Magento, and all other ecommerce sites, manage the state of a particular user though a session. A session is a record of that particular user’s status on your site. This covers things such as: “Hello Bob” - at the top of the page “4 Things in Your Cart” - the status of your shopping cart on each page
These are items that cannot be shared amongst users and would cause a major problem should this happen (we call this “session leakage”).
How do we cache HTML pages if the HTML pages contain personalised information about who the person is and what is in their shopping cart?
There are 2 main methods of achieving this: Loading personalised elements of the page via additional requests after the page has loaded A common implementation method here is to use AJAX to request page elements that are personalised Leveraging a technology to mark components of the HTML document as cacheable and other’s uncachable (or un shareable amongst users). Varnish supports a technology called ESI (Edge Side Includes) that allows different parts of a HTML document to be cached differently.
Your Varnish implementation strategy must factor in user personalisation.
Implementation options for Varnish
Magento 1.X - The most widely used method for caching HTML documents in Magento version 1 is the open source product called Magento Turpentine (by Nexus). This is a plugin that is installed (via Magento Connect) and will automatically add ESI tags to your HTML documents so that Varnish can cache these resources. Magento Turpentine install / guide
Magento 2.X - The latest version of Magento (currently in beta) supports Varnish as its recommended solution for HTML caching in production. This is great news, Varnish is the recommended option from Magento and will work out of the box to improve your site speed.
How to make Varnish and Magento work well
Deployment is one thing, The next steps once you have a Varnish Magento solution implemented and working is to understand how well its performing. Getting metrics on cache hit rates and detailed logs on a request by request basis can be a challenge as it involves deploying a range of additional infrastructure (or being stuck doing manual log collection on a one off basis).
We have recently built this infrastructure to run Varnish as a service in the cloud (with full logs/metrics) - - Plug aside this can be the most important element to actual success with you Varnish and Magento project as you need to be constantly tuning your implementation to manage things like varying query strings in urls (Hello google analytics "gclid"!) which can reduce your cache hit rates dramatically
Not sure if it helps but I chanced upon this.
I have actually tried out getting varnish to work before and I have failed. I would suggest you get APC + Memcached + tmpfs sessions/cache before trying out varnish.
This i think explains how we could away with using varnish with magento
If you use aoe_static module and my custom vcl for varnish 3 it clears the cookies on the cached page response. It should do this in vcl fetch. The cookies can then be set from a smaller ajax response which loads the dynamic content. This maintains your sessions, cart etc. This ajax response can be "pipe"ed in vcl recovery.
I haven't experienced any problems doing this but haven't tried it on a production site.
Dynamic blocks must be replaced with placeholders via layout xml. If you liked these replacements could be varnish edge side includes or custom ajax implementation.
When loading the dynamic content from aoe_static (or whatever type ajax methods you prefer) it's good to remember that you can still use magentos layout system, e.g. create a handle for your ajax call with nested blocks to be rendered.
If you use the aoe_static module you'll notice that the loadLayout is called but remember what handles are passed to that loadLayout. it's not the same as a layout request for the page your on but it does get a default handle for you.
Another problem is stock levels. When a product no longer has a enough stock to be added to cart it will still appear on product lists and as options for configurable and grouped products.
Possibly you could use the observer - cataloginventory_stock_item_save_after - to check stock levels (i haven't checked this). Then cache could be purged based on the url of the products. It's quite easy to get the category urls that the product would appear in and purge these at the same time.
The phoenix module has methods do these sorts of purges if you want to see an easy implementation just follow through from observers.
But how to deal with the layered nav urls is more tricky. you would need to store the query string parameters that the app had served using the base category list url as a key in advance then read and purge these urls in the observer. This storing of query string parameters would be easy enough using the response before send,checking the request object with a regex and logging the query strings used comma separated.
I am wrong in thinking that none of the current modules deal with stock levels for layered nav?
I think a good finished module for varnish is needed in the open source community since all other are lacking. personally i plan to only use paid full page cache's with load balanced servers and maybe varnish to catch image and css requests. Unless someone wants to join forces to make a proper varnish implementation or I would be happy to assist with issues for your sites if the work could be added to an open source implementation that deals better with all these concerns.
checkout this question for more details on problems you will face this question - magento open source full page cache describes the Magento extension that enables full page cache with varnish. This extension relies on Varnish config published on github.
These are the features already implemented:
We have developed a module called PageCache powered by Varnish that enables Magento and Varnish to play smoothly together by providing a well tested Varnish configuration file (VCL) and a tightly integrated Magento module with plenty of options to control Varnish rigth from the Magento backend. Check it out on Magento Connect: