I have an MVC application view that is generating quite a large HTML table of values (>20MB).
I am compressing the view in the controller using a compression filter
internal class CompressFilter : ActionFilterAttribute
public override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext filterContext)
HttpRequestBase request = filterContext.HttpContext.Request;
string acceptEncoding = request.Headers["Accept-Encoding"];
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(acceptEncoding))
acceptEncoding = acceptEncoding.ToUpperInvariant();
HttpResponseBase response = filterContext.HttpContext.Response;
if (acceptEncoding.Contains("GZIP"))
response.AppendHeader("Content-encoding", "gzip");
response.Filter = new GZipStream(response.Filter, CompressionMode.Compress);
else if (acceptEncoding.Contains("DEFLATE"))
response.AppendHeader("Content-encoding", "deflate");
response.Filter = new DeflateStream(response.Filter, CompressionMode.Compress);
Is there a way to also eliminate the (quite large) amount of redundant whitespace generated in the view before I run the compress filter (to reduce compression workload and size)?
EDIT: I got it working using the WhiteSpaceFilter technique suggested by Womp below.
For interest here's the results, as analysed by Firebug:
1) No Compression, no whitespace strip - 21MB, 2.59 minutes
2) With GZIP compression, no whitespace strip - 2MB, 17.59s
3) With GZIP compression, whitespace strip - 558kB, 12.77s
So certainly worth it.
This guy wrote a neat little whitespace compactor that simply runs a fast block copy of your bytes through a regular expression to strip out blobs of space. He wrote it as an http module, but you could take the 7 lines of workhorse code out of it and plop it into your function.