I've 2 function as below:
function addMarker() {
marker = new google.maps.Marker({
position: Gpoint,
map: map,
draggable: true,
animation: google.maps.Animation.DROP
google.maps.event.addListener(marker, "rightclick",
function (point) {
showContextMarker(point.latLng); } );
function delMarker() { marker.setMap(null); $('.contextmenu').remove(); };
So, as may understand I have a Context Menu having "Delete Marker" option on it. I am binding a "rightclick" listener during adding a marker, to show this menu.
Everything is working without any problem till this moment.
But when I try to click on a marker to delete; it is effecting only the last added marker. When I try again; nothing happens.
So my idea is to get the clicked marker's id (or something that may well be useful) and run this deleting function according to this.
Briefly; I want to delete the marker that I clicked on, from a map having multiple markers.
Do you have any approach to solve this problem ?
Thanks in advance!
Here is the solution. Thank you Fatih. it was impossible without your guidance:
var id;
var markers = {};
var addMarker = function () {
marker = new google.maps.Marker({
position: Gpoint,
map: map,
draggable: true,
animation: google.maps.Animation.DROP
id = marker.__gm_id
markers[id] = marker;
google.maps.event.addListener(marker, "rightclick", function (point) { id = this.__gm_id; delMarker(id) });
var delMarker = function (id) {
marker = markers[id];
Calling delete function by: delMarker(id)
Ps: "Right clicking is enough on this case"
Thank you!
this worked for me:
a second currentId, if you have a better idea, let me know
For minimal changes
Now marker['__gm_id'] still has a value
Working Sample on jsFiddle
Google Maps doesn't manage your markers. So all your markers should be managed by yourself.
Make a global marker object and push all markers to this object. And give unique id to each marker when getting a marker instance. Then when you want to delete a marker take its id and find this marker in global marker object and finally call this marker instance's setMap method with passing null argument.
Also I've added a demo that works on jsFiddle. Code is heavily documented.
Your psuedo code should be like this. For more detailed code please look the demo.
Complementing the @Fatih answer you should manage the markers. For example you could add each marker in a array and then to remove, you could find this marker into the array and set the val in the map null.
Just pass your marker in the rightclick function. For example:
And make the function look this:
Your markers will be removeable on the rightclicks.