Inspired by here is a code golf for it.
The Challenge
Given a positive integer greater than 0, print out the hailstone sequence for that number.
The Hailstone Sequence
See Wikipedia for more detail..
- If the number is even, divide it by two.
- If the number is odd, triple it and add one.
Repeat this with the number produced until it reaches 1. (if it continues after 1, it will go in an infinite loop of 1 -> 4 -> 2 -> 1...
Sometimes code is the best way to explain, so here is some from Wikipedia
function collatz(n)
show n
if n > 1
if n is odd
call collatz(3n + 1)
call collatz(n / 2)
This code works, but I am adding on an extra challenge. The program must not be vulnerable to stack overflows. So it must either use iteration or tail recursion.
Also, bonus points for if it can calculate big numbers and the language does not already have it implemented. (or if you reimplement big number support using fixed-length integers)
Test case
Number: 21
Results: 21 -> 64 -> 32 -> 16 -> 8 -> 4 -> 2 -> 1
Number: 3
Results: 3 -> 10 -> 5 -> 16 -> 8 -> 4 -> 2 -> 1
Also, the code golf must include full user input and output.
Another assembler version. This one is not limited to 32 bit numbers, it can handle numbers up to 1065534 although the ".com" format MS-DOS uses is limited to 80 digit numbers. Written for A86 assembler and requires a Win-XP DOS box to run. Assembles to 180 bytes:
Ruby, 50 chars, no stack overflow
Basically a direct rip of makapuf's Python solution:
Ruby, 45 chars, will overflow
Basically a direct rip of the code provided in the question:
Run with
nroff -U hail.g
1. groff version
Haskell, 62 chars
637683,86,97,137User input, printed output, uses constant memory and stack, works with arbitrarily big integers.
A sample run of this code, given an 80 digit number of all '1's (!) as input, is pretty fun to look at.
Original, function only version:
Haskell 51 chars
Who the @&^# needs conditionals, anyway?
(edit: I was being "clever" and used fix. Without it, the code dropped to 54 chars. edit2: dropped to 51 by factoring out
)dc - 24 chars
is a good tool for this sequence:Also 24 chars using the formula from the Golfscript entry:
57 chars to meet the specs: