Is there a method which returns the width ( in pixels ) of a text to be drawn on an Android canvas using the drawText() method according to the Paint used to draw it?
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you can use "textPaint.getTextSize()" to get text width
Well I have done in different way:
Hope this will help you.
Supplemental answer
There is a slight difference between the width returned by
returns a width that includes the glyph's advanceX value padding the beginning and end of the string. TheRect
width returned bygetTextBounds
does not have this padding because the bounds is theRect
that tightly wraps the text.source
Have you looked at txt)?
I used the methods measureText() and getTextPath()+computeBounds() and build up an Excel with all text attributes for fixed size font that can be found under . There you will find also simple formulas for other text attributes like ascend etc.
The app as well as the function drawFontTest() for generating the raw values used in the excel are also available in this repo.