This question already has an answer here:
I recognize that an email address can basically be indefinitely long so any size I impose on my varchar email address field is going to be arbitrary. However, I was wondering what the "standard" is? How long do you guys make it? (same question for Name field...)
update: Apparently the max length for an email address is 320 (<=64 name part, <= 255 domain). Do you use this?
The following email address is only 94 characters:
Even a 92-year-old technophobe would figure out how to sign up for a nice short gmail address, and just use that, rather than type this into your registration page.
Disk space probably isn't an issue, but there are at least two problems with allowing user input fields to be many times longer than they need to be:
I like 50 chars:
If one user in a million has to use their other email address to use my app, so be it.
(Statistics show that no-one actually enters more than about 40 chars for email address, see e.g.: ZZ Coder's answer
According to this text, based on the proper RFC documents, it's not 320 but 254:
Edit: Using WayBack Machine: