I came across CPU Credit Balance in EC2 monitoring . What is CPU Credit Balance?
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has 2 different type of instances: Fixed Performance Instances(e.g. M3, C3 etc) and Burstable Performance Instances (e.g. T2).Fixed Performance Instances
provides a consistent CPU performance whereasBurstable Performance Instances
provide abaseline CPU performance
under normal workload. But when the workload increasesBurstable Performance Instances
have the ability to burst, i.e. increase the CPU performance.CPU Credit regulates the amount CPU burst of an instance. You can spend this CPU Credit to increase the CPU performance during the Burst period. Suppose you are operating the instance at 100% of CPU performance for 5 minutes, you will spend
5(i.e. 5*1.0)
CPU Credit. Similarly if you run an instance at 50% CPU performance for 5 minutes you will spend2.5(i.e. 5*0.5)
CPU Credits.CPU Credit Balance is simply the amount of CPU Credit available in your account at any moment.
When you create an instance you will get an initial CPU Credit. In every hour you will get certain amount of CPU credits automatically(this amount depends on the type of instance). If you don't burst the CPU performance the CPU Credit will be added to your CPU Credit Balance of your account. If you are out of CPU Credit(i.e. CPU Credit Balance turns into 0) your instance will work on baseline performance.
Read more on CPU Credits and Baseline Performance for Burstable Performance Instances
According to official document:
To expand on the previous answer.
class instances use a burstable CPU model. Instead of having access to full CPU resources all the time, you get access to full CPU resources base on a CPU credit model.When your instance is idling, the instance is building credits up to a cap. The rate and cap vary on instance size.
When you use CPU resources, you spend those credits. Once you run out, your CPU usage is capped very low until you build up more credits.
When your instance uses fewer CPU resources than its base performance level allows (such as when it is idle), the unused CPU credits (or the difference between what was earned and what was spent) are stored in the credit balance for up to 24 hours, building CPU credits for bursting.