Best method to store Enum in Database

2019-01-21 02:03发布

What is the best method of storing an Enum in a Database using C# And Visual Studio and MySQL Data Connector.

I am going to be creating a new project with over 100 Enums, and majority of them will have to be stored in the database. Creating converters for each one would be a long winded process therefore I'm wondering if visual studio or someone has any methods for this that I haven't heard off.

2楼-- · 2019-01-21 02:48

If you need store in DB string values of enum field, better do like show below. For example, it can be needed if you are using SQLite, which don`t support enum fields.

public string PhoneTypeAsString
        return this.PhoneType.ToString();
        PhoneType = (PhoneTypes)Enum.Parse( typeof(PhoneTypes), value, true);

public PhoneTypes PhoneType{get; set;};

public enum PhoneTypes
    Mobile = 0,
    Home = 1,
    Work = 2,
    Fax = 3,
    Other = 4
3楼-- · 2019-01-21 02:49

We store ours as ints or longs and then we can just cast 'em back and forth. Probably not the most robust solution, but that what we do.

we are using typed DataSets, so, for example:

enum BlockTreatmentType 
    All = 0

// blockTreatmentType is an int property
blockRow.blockTreatmentType = (int)BlockTreatmentType.All;
BlockTreatmentType btt = (BlockTreatmentType)blockRow.blocktreatmenttype;
4楼-- · 2019-01-21 02:50

A DB first approach can be used by creating a consistent table for each enum where the Id column name matches table name. It's advantageous to have enum values available within the database to support foreign key constraints and friendly columns in views. We are currently supporting ~100 enum types scattered throughout numerous versioned databases.

For a Code-First preference, the T4 strategy shown below could probably be reversed to write to the database.

create table SomeSchema.SomeEnumType (
  SomeEnumTypeId smallint NOT NULL primary key,
  Name varchar(100) not null,
  Description nvarchar(1000),
  ModifiedUtc datetime2(7) default(sysutcdatetime()),
  CreatedUtc datetime2(7) default(sysutcdatetime()),

Each table can be imported into C# using a T4 template (*.tt) script.

  1. Create an "Enumeration Project". Add the .tt file shown below.
  2. Create a sub-folder for each Database Schema name.
  3. For each enum type, create a file whose name is The file contents are always the same single line: <#@ include file="..\EnumGenerator.ttinclude" #>
  4. Then to create/update the enums, right click on 1 or more files and "Run Custom Tool" (we don't have auto update yet). It will add/update a .cs file to the project:
using System.CodeDom.Compiler;
namespace TheCompanyNamespace.Enumerations.Config
    [GeneratedCode("Auto Enum from DB Generator", "10")]
    public enum DatabasePushJobState
          Undefined = 0,
          Created = 1,        
    public partial class EnumDescription
       public static string Description(DatabasePushJobState enumeration)
          string description = "Unknown";
          switch (enumeration)
              case DatabasePushJobState.Undefined:
                  description = "Undefined";

              case DatabasePushJobState.Created:
                  description = "Created";
           return description;
    // select DatabasePushJobStateId, Name, coalesce(Description,Name) as Description
    //    from TheDefaultDatabase.[SchName].[DatabasePushJobState]
    //   where 1=1 order by DatabasePushJobStateId 

And finally, the somewhat gnarly T4 script (simplified from numerous workarounds). It will need to be customized to your environment. A debug flag can output messages into the C#. There is also a "Debug T4 Template" option when right clicking the .tt file. EnumGenerator.ttinclude:

<#@ template debug="true" hostSpecific="true" #>
<#@ output extension=".generated.cs" #>
<#@ Assembly Name="EnvDTE" #>
<#@ Assembly Name="System.Core" #>
<#@ Assembly Name="System.Data" #>
<#@ assembly name="$(TargetPath)" #>
<#@ import namespace="EnvDTE" #>
<#@ import namespace="System" #>
<#@ import namespace="System.Collections" #>
<#@ import namespace="System.Collections.Generic" #>
<#@ import namespace="System.Data" #>
<#@ import namespace="System.Data.SqlClient" #>
<#@ import namespace="System.IO" #>
<#@ import namespace="System.Text.RegularExpressions" #>
    bool doDebug = false;   // include debug statements to appear in generated output    

    string schemaTableName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(Host.TemplateFile);
    string schema = schemaTableName.Split('.')[0];
    string tableName = schemaTableName.Split('.')[1];

    string path = Path.GetDirectoryName(Host.TemplateFile);    
    string enumName = tableName;
    string columnId = enumName + "Id";
    string columnName = "Name"; 
    string columnDescription = "Description";

    string currentVersion = CompanyNamespace.Enumerations.Constants.Constants.DefaultDatabaseVersionSuffix;

    // Determine Database Name using Schema Name
    Dictionary<string, string> schemaToDatabaseNameMap = new Dictionary<string, string> {
        { "Cfg",        "SomeDbName" + currentVersion },
        { "Common",     "SomeOtherDbName" + currentVersion }
        // etc.     

    string databaseName;
    if (!schemaToDatabaseNameMap.TryGetValue(schema, out databaseName))
        databaseName = "TheDefaultDatabase"; // default if not in map

    string connectionString = @"Integrated Security=SSPI;Persist Security Info=False;Initial Catalog=" + databaseName + @";Data Source=Machine\Instance";

    schema = "[" + schema + "]";
    tableName = "[" + tableName + "]";

    string whereConstraint = "1=1";  // adjust if needed for specific tables

  // Get containing project
  IServiceProvider serviceProvider = (IServiceProvider)Host;
  DTE dte = (DTE)serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(DTE));
  Project project = dte.Solution.FindProjectItem(Host.TemplateFile).ContainingProject;
using System;
using System.CodeDom.Compiler;

namespace <#= project.Properties.Item("DefaultNamespace").Value #><#= Path.GetDirectoryName(Host.TemplateFile).Remove(0, Path.GetDirectoryName(project.FileName).Length).Replace("\\", ".") #>
    /// <summary>
    /// Auto-generated Enumeration from Source Table <#= databaseName + "." + schema + "." + tableName #>.  Refer to end of file for SQL.
    /// Please do not modify, your changes will be lost!
    /// </summary>
    [GeneratedCode("Auto Enum from DB Generator", "10")]
    public enum <#= enumName #>
        SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(connectionString);
        // Description is optional, uses name if null
        string command = string.Format(
            "select {0}, {1}, coalesce({2},{1}) as {2}" + "\n  from {3}.{4}.{5}\n where {6} order by {0}", 
                columnId,           // 0
                columnName,         // 1
                columnDescription,  // 2
                databaseName,       // 3
                schema,             // 4
                tableName,          // 5
                whereConstraint);   // 6
        #><#= DebugCommand(databaseName, command, doDebug) #><#

        SqlCommand comm = new SqlCommand(command, conn);


        SqlDataReader reader = comm.ExecuteReader();
        bool loop = reader.Read();

#>      /// <summary>
        /// <#= reader[columnDescription] #>
        /// </summary>
        <#= Pascalize(reader[columnName]) #> = <#= reader[columnId] #><# loop = reader.Read(); #><#= loop ? ",\r\n" : string.Empty #>
#>    }

    /// <summary>
    /// A helper class to return the Description for each enumeration value
    /// </summary>
    public partial class EnumDescription
        public static string Description(<#= enumName #> enumeration)
            string description = "Unknown";

            switch (enumeration)
    reader = comm.ExecuteReader();
    loop = reader.Read();

                    case <#= enumName #>.<#= Pascalize(reader[columnName]) #>:
                        description = "<#= reader[columnDescription].ToString().Replace("\"", "\\\"") #>";
                    <# loop = reader.Read(); #>

            return description;
        <#= command.Replace("\n", "\r\n        ") #>
    private string Pascalize(object value)
        Regex rxStartsWithKeyWord = new Regex(@"^[0-9]|^abstract$|^as$|^base$|^bool$|^break$|^byte$|^case$|^catch$|^char$|^checked$|^class$|^const$|^continue$|^decimal$|^default$|^delegate$|^do$|^double$|^else$|^enum$|^event$|^explicit$|^extern$|^$false|^finally$|^fixed$|^float$|^for$|^foreach$|^goto$|^if$|^implicit$|^in$|^int$|^interface$|^internal$|^is$|^lock$|^long$|^namespace$|^new$|^null$|^object$|^operator$|^out$|^overrride$|^params$|^private$|^protected$|^public$|^readonly$|^ref$|^return$|^sbyte$|^sealed$|^short$|^sizeof$|^stackalloc$|^static$|^string$|^struct$|^switch$|^this$|^thorw$|^true$|^try$|^typeof$|^uint$|^ulong$|^unchecked$|^unsafe$|^ushort$|^using$|^virtual$|^volatile$|^void$|^while$", RegexOptions.Compiled);

        Regex rx = new Regex(@"(?:[^a-zA-Z0-9]*)(?<first>[a-zA-Z0-9])(?<reminder>[a-zA-Z0-9]*)(?:[^a-zA-Z0-9]*)");
        string rawName = rx.Replace(value.ToString(), m => m.Groups["first"].ToString().ToUpper() + m.Groups["reminder"].ToString());

        if (rxStartsWithKeyWord.Match(rawName).Success)
            rawName =  "_" + rawName;

        return rawName;    

    private string DebugCommand(string databaseName, string command, bool doDebug)
        return doDebug
            ? "        // use " + databaseName + ";  " + command + ";\r\n\r\n"
            : "";

Hopefully the entity framework will someday support a combination of these answers to offer the C# enum strong typing within records and database mirroring of values.

5楼-- · 2019-01-21 02:53
    public virtual int PhoneTypeId
            return (int)this.PhoneType;
            PhoneType = (PhoneTypes)value;
    public PhoneTypes PhoneType { get; set; }

public enum PhoneTypes
    Mobile = 0,
    Home = 1,
    Work = 2,
    Fax = 3,
    Other = 4

Works like a charm! No need to convert (int)Enum or (Enum)int in code. Just use the enum and ef code first will save the int for you. p.s.: "[EnumDataType(typeof(PhoneTypes))]" attribute is not required, just an extra if you want additional functionality.

Alternatively you can do:

    public virtual int PhoneTypeId { get; set; }
    public PhoneTypes PhoneType
            return (PhoneTypes)this.PhoneTypeId;
            this.PhoneTypeId = (int)value;
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