I'm trying to improve performance under high load and would like to implement opcode caching. Which of the following should I use?
- APC - Installation Guide
- eAccelerator - Installation Guide
- XCache - Installation Guide
I'm also open to any other alternatives that have slipped under my radar.
Currently running on a stock Debian Etch with Apache 2 and PHP 5.2
[Update 1]
HowtoForge installation links added
[Update 2]
Based on the answers and feedback given, I have tested all 3 implementations using the following Apache JMeter test plan on my application:
- Login
- Access Home Page
With 50 concurrent connections, the results are as follows:
No Opcode Caching
Performance Graph (smaller is better)
From the above results, eAccelerator has a slight edge in performance compared to APC and XCache. However, what matters most from the above data is that any sort of opcode caching gives a tremendous boost in performance.
I have decided to use APC due to the following 2 reasons:
- Package is available in official Debian repository
- More functional control panel
To summarize my experience:
Ease of Installation: APC > eAccelerator > XCache
Performance: eAccelerator > APC, XCache
Control Panel: APC > XCache > eAccelerator
These add-ons have historically introduced lots of weird bugs to track down. These bugs can cause inconsistent behaviour which can't be diagnosed easily because it depends on the state of the cache.
So I'd say:
But I'd say: