I would like to know if there is some standard code styling for Android(maybe a book?) (styling XML , Java programming , file naming , etc...)
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There is a ton of information available here: http://source.android.com/source/code-style.html
I was looking for something like that and found this. We are using it combined with some of our own conventions. Very helpful.
@inazaruk: The codesearch link for android-formatting.xml is now obsolete. I found the file at geobeagle.
Funny thing is that the file is also mentioned at android source (Using Eclipse) with no further linking :D (Most probably it was linking to the obsolete one).
One more file mentioned at android's Using Eclipse and found at geobeagle ;-) is android.importorder.
(This should be a comment but I don't have 50pt yet :/ Sorry)
Edit: March 2015
As Google Code is fading away you may find the two file at bitbucket.
please refer:
There is a good description of code style rules here.
If you want to enforce this rules without remembering all of them, and you are using eclipse then you can use formatting rules provided by Android team: android-formatting.xml. Just import it into eclipse using Preferences->Java->Code Style->Formatter, click Import.