Most of the answers are very long-winded, and even obscure. The point is: if a tool is orthogonal, it can be added, replaced, or removed, in favor of better tools, without screwing everything else up.
It's the difference between a carpenter having a hammer and a saw, which can be used for hammering or sawing, or having some new-fangled hammer/saw combo, which is designed to saw wood, then hammer it together. Either will work for sawing and then hammering together, but if you get some task that requires sawing, but not hammering, then only the orthogonal tools will work. Likewise, if you need to screw instead of hammering, you won't need to throw away your saw, if it's orthogonal (not mixed up with) your hammer.
The classic example is unix command line tools: you have one tool for getting the contents of a disk (dd), another for filtering lines from the file (grep), another for writing those lines to a file (cat), etc. These can all be mixed and matched at will.
Orthogonality is a system design
property facilitating feasibility and
compactness of complex designs.
Orthogonality guarantees that
modifying the technical effect
produced by a component of a system
neither creates nor propagates side
effects to other components of the
system. The emergent behavior of a
system consisting of components should
be controlled strictly by formal
definitions of its logic and not by
side effects resulting from poor
integration, i.e. non-orthogonal
design of modules and interfaces.
Orthogonality reduces testing and
development time because it is easier
to verify designs that neither cause
side effects nor depend on them.
For example, a car has orthogonal
components and controls (e.g.
accelerating the vehicle does not
influence anything else but the
components involved exclusively with
the acceleration function). On the
other hand, a non-orthogonal design
might have its steering influence its
braking (e.g. electronic stability
control), or its speed tweak its
suspension.[1] Consequently, this
usage is seen to be derived from the
use of orthogonal in mathematics: One
may project a vector onto a subspace
by projecting it onto each member of a
set of basis vectors separately and
adding the projections if and only if
the basis vectors are mutually
An instruction set is said to be
orthogonal if any instruction can use
any register in any addressing mode.
This terminology results from
considering an instruction as a vector
whose components are the instruction
fields. One field identifies the
registers to be operated upon, and
another specifies the addressing mode.
An orthogonal instruction set uniquely
encodes all combinations of registers
and addressing modes.
To put it in the simplest terms possible, two things are orthogonal if changing one has no effect upon the other.
The basic idea of orthogonality is that things that are not related conceptually should not be related in the system. Parts of the architecture that really have nothing to do with the other, such as the database and the UI, should not need to be changed together. A change to one should not cause a change to the other.
Orthogonality in a programming language means that a relatively small set of
primitive constructs can be combined in a relatively small number of ways to
build the control and data structures of the language. Furthermore, every pos-
sible combination of primitives is legal and meaningful. For example, consider data types. Suppose a language has four primitive data types (integer, float,
double, and character) and two type operators (array and pointer). If the two
type operators can be applied to themselves and the four primitive data types,
a large number of data structures can be defined.
The meaning of an orthogonal language feature is independent of the
context of its appearance in a program. (the word orthogonal comes from the
mathematical concept of orthogonal vectors, which are independent of each
other.) Orthogonality follows from a symmetry of relationships among primi-
tives. A lack of orthogonality leads to exceptions to the rules of the language.
For example, in a programming language that supports pointers, it should be
possible to define a pointer to point to any specific type defined in the language.
However, if pointers are not allowed to point to arrays, many potentially useful user-defined data structures cannot be defined.
We can illustrate the use of orthogonality as a design concept by compar-
ing one aspect of the assembly languages of the IBM mainframe computers
and the VAX series of minicomputers. We consider a single simple situation:
adding two 32-bit integer values that reside in either memory or registers and
replacing one of the two values with the sum. The IBM mainframes have two
instructions for this purpose, which have the forms
A Reg1, memory_cell
AR Reg1, Reg2
where Reg1 and Reg2 represent registers. The semantics of these are
In this case, either operand can be a register or a memory cell.
The VAX instruction design is orthogonal in that a single instruction can
use either registers or memory cells as the operands. There are two ways to
specify operands, which can be combined in all possible ways. The IBM design
is not orthogonal. Only two out of four operand combinations possibilities are
legal, and the two require different instructions, A and AR . The IBM design
is more restricted and therefore less writable. For example, you cannot add
two values and store the sum in a memory location. Furthermore, the IBM
design is more difficult to learn because of the restrictions and the additional instruction.
Orthogonality is closely related to simplicity: The more orthogonal the
design of a language, the fewer exceptions the language rules require. Fewer
exceptions mean a higher degree of regularity in the design, which makes the
language easier to learn, read, and understand. Anyone who has learned a sig-
nificant part of the English language can testify to the difficulty of learning its
many rule exceptions (for example, i before e except after c).
While talking about project decisions on programming languages, orthogonality may be seen as how easy is for you to predict other things about that language for what you've seen in the past.
For instance, in one language you can have:
for splitting a string and
for getting the lenght.
On a language more orthogonal, you would always use str.x or x(str).
When you would clone an object or do anything else, you would know whether to use
That's one of the main points on programming languages being orthogonal. That avoids you to consult the manual or ask someone.
The wikipedia article talks more about orthogonality on complex designs or low level languages.
As someone suggested above on a comment, the Sebesta book talks cleanly about orthogonality.
If I would use only one sentence, I would say that a programming language is orthogonal when its unknown parts act as expected based on what you've seen.
Or... no surprises.
Check orthogonality of matrices:
Orthogonality can also be with respect to matrices,
Click the below link to view a YouTube video on Orthogonality.
Most of the answers are very long-winded, and even obscure. The point is: if a tool is orthogonal, it can be added, replaced, or removed, in favor of better tools, without screwing everything else up.
It's the difference between a carpenter having a hammer and a saw, which can be used for hammering or sawing, or having some new-fangled hammer/saw combo, which is designed to saw wood, then hammer it together. Either will work for sawing and then hammering together, but if you get some task that requires sawing, but not hammering, then only the orthogonal tools will work. Likewise, if you need to screw instead of hammering, you won't need to throw away your saw, if it's orthogonal (not mixed up with) your hammer.
The classic example is unix command line tools: you have one tool for getting the contents of a disk (dd), another for filtering lines from the file (grep), another for writing those lines to a file (cat), etc. These can all be mixed and matched at will.
From Wikipedia:
To put it in the simplest terms possible, two things are orthogonal if changing one has no effect upon the other.
The basic idea of orthogonality is that things that are not related conceptually should not be related in the system. Parts of the architecture that really have nothing to do with the other, such as the database and the UI, should not need to be changed together. A change to one should not cause a change to the other.
Orthogonality in a programming language means that a relatively small set of primitive constructs can be combined in a relatively small number of ways to build the control and data structures of the language. Furthermore, every pos- sible combination of primitives is legal and meaningful. For example, consider data types. Suppose a language has four primitive data types (integer, float, double, and character) and two type operators (array and pointer). If the two type operators can be applied to themselves and the four primitive data types, a large number of data structures can be defined. The meaning of an orthogonal language feature is independent of the context of its appearance in a program. (the word orthogonal comes from the mathematical concept of orthogonal vectors, which are independent of each other.) Orthogonality follows from a symmetry of relationships among primi- tives. A lack of orthogonality leads to exceptions to the rules of the language. For example, in a programming language that supports pointers, it should be possible to define a pointer to point to any specific type defined in the language. However, if pointers are not allowed to point to arrays, many potentially useful user-defined data structures cannot be defined. We can illustrate the use of orthogonality as a design concept by compar- ing one aspect of the assembly languages of the IBM mainframe computers and the VAX series of minicomputers. We consider a single simple situation: adding two 32-bit integer values that reside in either memory or registers and replacing one of the two values with the sum. The IBM mainframes have two instructions for this purpose, which have the forms
where Reg1 and Reg2 represent registers. The semantics of these are
The VAX addition instruction for 32-bit integer values is
whose semantics is
In this case, either operand can be a register or a memory cell. The VAX instruction design is orthogonal in that a single instruction can use either registers or memory cells as the operands. There are two ways to specify operands, which can be combined in all possible ways. The IBM design is not orthogonal. Only two out of four operand combinations possibilities are legal, and the two require different instructions, A and AR . The IBM design is more restricted and therefore less writable. For example, you cannot add two values and store the sum in a memory location. Furthermore, the IBM design is more difficult to learn because of the restrictions and the additional instruction. Orthogonality is closely related to simplicity: The more orthogonal the design of a language, the fewer exceptions the language rules require. Fewer exceptions mean a higher degree of regularity in the design, which makes the language easier to learn, read, and understand. Anyone who has learned a sig- nificant part of the English language can testify to the difficulty of learning its many rule exceptions (for example, i before e except after c).
While talking about project decisions on programming languages, orthogonality may be seen as how easy is for you to predict other things about that language for what you've seen in the past.
For instance, in one language you can have:
for splitting a string and
for getting the lenght.
On a language more orthogonal, you would always use str.x or x(str).
When you would clone an object or do anything else, you would know whether to use
That's one of the main points on programming languages being orthogonal. That avoids you to consult the manual or ask someone.
The wikipedia article talks more about orthogonality on complex designs or low level languages. As someone suggested above on a comment, the Sebesta book talks cleanly about orthogonality.
If I would use only one sentence, I would say that a programming language is orthogonal when its unknown parts act as expected based on what you've seen. Or... no surprises.