We all know that commenting our code is an important part of coding style for making our code understandable to the next person who comes along, or even ourselves in 6 months or so.
However, sometimes a comment just doesn't cut the mustard. I'm not talking about obvious jokes or vented frustraton, I'm talking about comments that appear to be making an attempt at explanation, but do it so poorly they might as well not be there. Comments that are too short, are too cryptic, or are just plain wrong.
As a cautonary tale, could you share something you've seen that was really just that bad, and if it's not obvious, show the code it was referring to and point out what's wrong with it? What should have gone in there instead?
See also:
One I've never found very helpful:
I've found myself writing this little gem before:
Usually it's a good sign that I've reached the end of my coding session for the night.
Taken from one of my blog posts:
and then a little further down:
and then yet again:
Would definitely have to be comments that stand in place of error handling.
100k LOC application that was ported from vb6 to vb.net. It looks as though a previous developer had put a comment header on one method and then copied and pasted the exact comment onto every method he wrote from then on. Hundreds of methods and each one incorrectly commented...
When i first saw it i laughed... 6 months later the joke is wearing thin.
Unfilled javadoc boilerplate comments are particularly useless. They consume a lot of screen real estate without contributing anything useful. And the worst part is that where one such comment appears, hundreds of others are surely lurking behind.