Lately I'm interested in the topic of genetic algorithms, but I couldn't find any good resource. If you know any good resource, book or a site I would appreciate it. I have solid knowledge of algorithms and Artificial Intelligence but I'm looking for something with good introduction in Genetic Programming.
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Here is Roger Alsing's recent article about building "Mona Lisa's picture" with a genetic algorithm :
Edited to remove hot link to the picture See:
I've implemented my own version of this algorithm:
'An Introduction to Genetic Algorithms'
If I may plug one of my favorite books, The Algorithm Design Manual by Steve Skiena has a great section on genetic algorithms (plus a lot of other interesting heuristics for solving various types of problems).
I implemented a Genetic Algorithm with java generics.
It will apply the 3 operators (Mutation, crossing, Selection), and evolve a population, given the concrete implementations of Individual, Gen, FitnessMeter and factories exposed as spring beans.
This is the design, inside grandt there is an implementation of a specific problem solution, as an example.
For an introductory approach (with an application to the Prisoner's Dilemma), see into:
This is a nice free book on the subject