In Bash, how do I count the number of non-blank lines of code in a project?
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If you want the sum of all non-blank lines for all files of a given file extension throughout a project:
First arg is the project's base directory, second is the file extension. Sample usage:
It's little more than a collection of previous solutions.
'wc' counts lines, words, chars, so to count all lines (including blank ones) use:
To filter out the blank lines, you can use grep:
'-v' tells grep to output all lines except those that match '^' is the start of a line '\s*' is zero or more whitespace characters '$' is the end of a line *.py is my example for all the files you wish to count (all python files in current dir) pipe output to wc. Off you go.
I'm answering my own (genuine) question. Couldn't find an stackoverflow entry that covered this.
gives an aggregate count for all files in the current directory and its subdirectories.
And if you consider comments blank lines:
Although, that's language dependent.
It's kinda going to depend on the number of files you have in the project. In theory you could use
Where you can fill the list of files by using the find utility.
Would give you a line count per file.