For me it worked when on the right tab > Localization, I checked English check box. Initially only Base was checked. After that I had no more problems. Hope this helps!
Delete your project's【DerivedData】folder. (This folder may inside
your project's folder, or inside ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/
(your project)/) or somewhere else that was setup by you.
I solved this problem by programmatically creating the Labels and Textfields, and then Command-Dragged from the little empty circles on the left of the code to the components on the Storyboard. To illustrate my point: I wrote @IBOutlet weak var HelloLabel: UILabel!, and then pressed Command and dragged the code into the component on the storyboard.
It happened when I added a
file into anObjective-C
project .So , in this situation what you can do is . .
Remove Reference
Voila ! You are good to go .
For me it worked when on the right tab > Localization, I checked English check box. Initially only Base was checked. After that I had no more problems. Hope this helps!
Please perform the following two steps only to get rid of this error.
Now try to add/Connect the actions or outlets.
Working Fine for me for many times.
(your project)/) or somewhere else that was setup by you.
I had the same problem. I realised than in X-Code
item was selected when I tried to create an outlet by control-dragAfter I set it to automatic it worked
I solved this problem by programmatically creating the Labels and Textfields, and then Command-Dragged from the little empty circles on the left of the code to the components on the Storyboard. To illustrate my point: I wrote
@IBOutlet weak var HelloLabel: UILabel!
, and then pressed Command and dragged the code into the component on the storyboard.