I'd like to add some pie, bar and scatter charts to my Ruby on Rails web application. I want want them to be atractive, easy to add and not introduce much overhead.
What charting solution would you recommend?
What are its drawbacks (requires Javascript, Flash, expensive, etc)?
The gchartrb gem is no longer maintained, it seems. The author points to these gems:
ChartDirector. Ugly API, but good, server-side image results. Self contained binary.
If you don't need images, and can settle on requiring JavaScript, you could try a client-side solution like the jQuery plugin flot.
Morris.js is nice and open source. I would like to choose it comparing to highcharts. There is a new great video tutorial from Railscasts
I am a fan of Gruff Graphs, but Google Charts is also good if you don't mind relying on an external server.
The new Google Visualization appears to produce charts that are of more varied type, better looking and interactive than Google Graphs.