Is there a (or several) coding style guide for node.js? If not, what are the emerging styles used by the top open-source node projects?
I'm looking for a guide (or several guides) along the lines of PEP 8, the canonical Coding Style Guide for Python. I've seen various JavaScript guides not worth linking here (mostly old and targeted at client-side JavaScript). I found one interesting node.js style guide.
A coding style guide, or coding conventions, should include (but is not limited to):
- Code layout: indentation (2 spaces, 4 spaces, tabs, ...), newlines, line breaks, etc.
- Whitespace, e.g., "function (arg)" vs. "function(arg)"
- Semicolon or no semicolon, var declaration, ...
- Naming, e.g., do_this() vs. doThis(), var_name vs. varName, ...
- node.js and JavaScript idioms, e.g., == vs. ===, callback's first arg is an error object, ...
- Comments and documentation
- Accompanying tools, like lint checker, unit test framework, ...
This topic obviously is highly subjective, but I think it's an important step of a community to establish a common and widely accepted coding style in the process of getting mature. Also, it's not all just about taste. In particular, rules like "use === instead of ==" have a direct influence on code quality.
Airbnb has a quite good Javascript style guide
For Coffee-Script, where bad indents means compilation errors
popular coffee projects,
uses this setup for indentations.Edit:
Actually, just use this! (one of the main contributors to
)I'd review the coding standards checked by JSLint or look at the author of NPM (Isaac Shlueter's) coding standards.
You could also look at the style used by notable Node.JS coders:
I'll throw mine in there for good measure ;)
Edit: Suggestions from @alienhard
IMO there's a few golden rules you should follow:
in the appropriate scope - don't fallback to the global scope(function(){})()
if you plan on releasing code that runs server-side as well as in the browsererr
as the first argument and if they themselves take a callback as an argument, it should be last, e.g.callback(err, param1, param2, callback)
Indentation, spacing between braces and keywords and semicolon placement are all a matter of preference.
It has been a while since I asked this question... and in the meantime I've found this excellent JavaScript guide:
Principles of Writing Consistent, Idiomatic JavaScript
There's a new standard in town.
Use Standard Style.
You can learn a lot of good coding style practices from client side oriented JavaScript guides (most of them apply also to node.js in general since the difference between client and server side is mostly in libraries and not in language itself). For example JavaScript Patterns book dedicates to this topic some parts of the Chapter 2. Also Douglas Crockford's website, book and videos are a must see materials in order to adopt JavaScript specific coding styles and best practices I would say.