I'm trying to have a UIDatePicker to present only the date, month and year to the user. I want to avoid presenting them with the hours, minutes and seconds like it comes by default. I've tried looking for something that might help but can only find solutions that aren't explained clearly in Objective-C, however I'm coding in Swift. Any ideas? Thanks in advance!
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you need to chose the mode of the date picker
date picker options .
Declaration Constants
The date picker displays hours, minutes, and (optionally) an AM/PM designation. The exact items shown and their order depend upon the locale set. An example of this mode is [ 6 | 53 | PM ].
Available in iOS 2.0 and later.
The date picker displays months, days of the month, and years. The exact order of these items depends on the locale setting. An example of this mode is [ November | 15 | 2007 ].
Available in iOS 2.0 and later.
The date picker displays dates (as unified day of the week, month, and day of the month values) plus hours, minutes, and (optionally) an AM/PM designation. The exact order and format of these items depends on the locale set. An example of this mode is [ Wed Nov 15 | 6 | 53 | PM ].
Available in iOS 2.0 and later.
The date picker displays hour and minute values, for example [ 1 | 53 ]. The application must set a timer to fire at the proper interval and set the date picker as the seconds tick down.
Available in iOS 2.0 and later.
If you're using storyboards just change mode to "date" in the Attributes inspector.