I'm curious to know that without commercial product for obfuscation, is there any way where I can store API url and parameters safely which cannot be compiled in reverse engineering? I have tried all my apps and their API url and code is easy to read. I'm concerned about security.
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Your question is not ideal for the StackOverflow as the topic is too broad and primarily opinion based. However, I thought I can share some of my thoughts as an answer here.
Hiding API urls with code obfuscation is definitely a good idea and it may work in some cases as well if you want to hide those. You might consider encrypting the API url in your code as well and store the encrypted url in your
or in local storage which needs to be decrypted again each time when you're using your API url to call a web service.But none of these can't ensure that your API urls are uncrackable. If someone really wants to get your API urls s/he can easily get those by tracking the network that you're using to call the web services.
So encrypting API urls and obfuscating the variable names to hide the API urls will not work in most of the cases as you expected. And yes, I don't see any security breach in getting your API urls either. Because, the API server should be designed in a way that it can block unwanted service calls an attacker is making through an API. You might consider thinking of setting up a firewall in your host machines or can setup a basic authentication protocol which will protect your data. There are a lot of ways to prevent these security breach activities. You might also consider reading this article which I found useful to get a heads-up on how you can protect your APIs to be abused.
Hope that helps.
Hide Url in Environmental variables,BuildConfig and Android Studio
Use in Java File Like
BuildConfig.Base_URL it will return URL String