I have been getting used to OpenCover over the past few days, and have I noticed that tests using Moles do not generate any Coverage information.
I have created a small solution to isolate the problem, and have found that code coverage is generated only for tests that do not have the [HostType("Moles")]
Reading around I have found this and this which seem to be NCover equivalents of my problem. They say that it is something to do with Moles running a profiler as well as the coverage tool, and that there is an environment variable CLRMONITOR_EXTERNAL_PROFILERS
that can be set to allow multiple profilers to run at the same time as Moles - I think that this is where the solution lies, but I'm not 100% sure.
I guess that the variable's value would be the name of the OpenCover profiler - does anyone know this name?
Has anyone managed to get OpenCover running with Moles? Can it be done?
The name of the profiler you need is probably the CLSID.
Try setting the environment variable to 1542C21D-80C3-45E6-A56C-A9C1E4BEB7B8