Hi I know about several PDF Generators for php (fpdf, dompdf, etc.) What I want to know is about a parser.
For reasons beyond my control, certain information I need is only in a table inside a pdf and I need to extract that table and convert it to an array.
Any suggestions?
This is PHP PDF parser, which exists in two flavours:
Have a look at GhostScript or ITextSharp, there are various cross-platform version of both.
I've written one before (for similar needs), and I can say this: Have fun. It's quite a complex task. The PDF specification is large and unwieldy. There are several methods of storing text inside of it. And the kicker is that each PDF generator is different in how it works. So while something like TFPDF or DOMPDF creates REALLY easy to read PDFs (from a machine standpoint), Acrobat makes some really hellish documents.
The reason is how it writes the text. Most DOM based renderers --that I've used-- write the entire line as one string, and position it once (which is really easy to read). Acrobat tries to be more efficient (and it is) by writing only one or maybe a few characters at a time, and positioning them independently. While this REALLY simplifies rendering, it makes reading MUCH more difficult.
The up side here, is that the PDF format in itself is really simple. You have "objects" that follow a regular syntax. Then you can link them together to generate the content. The specification does a good job at describing the file format. But real world reading is going to take a bit of brain power...
Some helpful pieces of advice that I had to learn the hard way if you're going to write it yourself:
will likely not beA
... You need to find a map object and deduce what it's doing based upon what characters are in there. And it is efficient since if a character doesn't appear in the document for that font, it doesn't include it (which makes life difficult if you try to programmatically edit a PDF)...strlen
. Usemb_strlen($string, '8bit')
since it will compensate for different character sets (and allow potentially invalid characters in other charsets).Otherwise, best of luck...
It may not actually be a table inside the PDF as the PDF loses that sort of information...
I use PDFBox for that (http://pdfbox.apache.org/). This software is javabased and platform independend. It works fast and reliable. You can use it via exec or shell execute or via a PHP/Java-Bridge (http://php-java-bridge.sourceforge.net/)
Have you already looked at xPDF ? There is a program in there called pdftotext that will do the conversion. You can call it from PHP and then read in the text version of the PDF. You will need to have the ability to run exec() or system() from php, so this may not work on all hosted solutions though.
Also, there are some examples on the PHP site that will convert PDF to text, although its pretty rough. You may want to try some of those examples as well. On that PHP page, search for luc at phpt dot org.